Stage 1: Infancy –Trust vs. Mistrust (hope) Roughly Ages 0-2 Fast period of growth Learn to crawl Eat solid food, learn to walk/talk If needs are met they view world as a safe place
Stage 2: Early Childhood- Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt (willpower) Roughly ages 2-3 Need to do for themselves Child will develop autonomy if the parent allows the child to become independent Autonomy is the confidence that a person can control their own body, environment, and impulses. Master walking, running, talking in sentences, pushing, pulling, climbing,
Stage 3: Childhood- Initiative vs. Guilt (Purpose) Roughly ages 4-5 Copy what adults do and play make believe games They will ask a lot of questions If parents show interest and encourage questions the child will grow in confidence and start to initiate activity on own
Stage 4: Late childhood-Industry vs. Inferiority (competence) Roughly ages 6-11 They start to develop basic analytical skills Learn appropriate roles in society Develop a conscience, right from wrong Develop social groups or interests Build projects as long as they are encouraged
Stage 5: Puberty to Young Adulthood Identity vs Stage 5: Puberty to Young Adulthood Identity vs. Role Confusion (Devotion) Roughly ages 9-16 Adolescence represents the time between the start of puberty and full maturation. Puberty is the period of human development during which a person becomes able to reproduce Hormones are chemical substances naturally released by the human body that cause change Puberty marks the beginning of adolescence (hormonal changes) Start to think more logically Concerned with who am I? Searching for Identity…Friends and peer groups are important
Stage 6: Young adulthood-Intimacy vs. Isolation (Affiliation) Roughly ages 17-30’s Peak of physical abilities- stronger, quicker, more alert Able to support self financially Commitment to another person If people are unsure of themselves, they will probably feel threatened by a close relationship
Stage 7: Middle age-Generatively vs. Stagnation (Production) Roughly ages 40-60’s Mid-life crisis Feeling that time may be running out Career and marital changes occur Satisfaction comes from helping young people Involved with a commitment to the future
Stage 8: Late Adulthood- Ego identity vs. Despair (Wisdom) Roughly ages 65-death Reflection and Evaluation If they look back and feel satisfied there is a feeling of completeness or integrity If they look at their life as a series of missed opportunities, there is likely to be an empty feeling