Ouvrez vos livres á la page 151. Faites #15 Méli-Mélo. Français 4/18/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 151. Faites #15 Méli-Mélo. What country makes you shiver? L’oeuf – egg. Veux-tu un oeuf en chocolat? Do you want a chocolate egg? Goals – Continue to work on ordering. Learn how the imperative works Devoirs – A la page 152, #17. Chile
Français 4/19/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 152. Faites #16. Ecrivez-le. What did one elevator say to the other? Épicé(e) – spicy. Le plat était trop épicé. The dish was too spicy. Goals – Practice basic elements of communication with waiters to ask about and order food. Practice with the imperative verb forms, adverbs of frequency and likes/dislikes. Devoirs – Faites #5 à la page 162. I think I’m coming down with something
Français 4/20/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 162. Faites #6. What did one magnet say to the other? La cuisine – cooking, kitchen. Sa couisine est trop grasse. Her cooking is too rich. Goals –Practice table conversation and ordering. Devoirs – Faites # 20, à la page 153. Ecrivez des phrases complets. Pick French food items from the menus in the chapter. I find you very attractive
Français 4/17/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 162. Faites #6, ecrivez-le. History repeats itself. Especially if you flunk the course. Se raser – to shave. Il s’est enfin rasé la barbe! He finally shaved his beard. Goals – Begin on dialogue and practice for orale. Devoirs –# 5, à la page 162.
Français 4/18/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 153. Faites #20, ecrivez-le. He does well with questions. It’s the answers he has troubles with. Rajeunir – to look younger. Ça vous rejeunit. It makes you look younger. Goals – More practice with orale 5-1,2. Devoirs – Final Draft dialogue 5-1,2.