Interdistrict Public School Choice Program Interdistrict Public School Choice First Discussion State Board Presentation October 5, 2016
Scope: Establishes that: Goal ProgrPurpose and Scope Purpose: Provide students and parents options and flexibility in selecting a school that best meets the needs of each student Scope: Establishes that: Districts apply to participate in the program Choice districts accept non-resident students at the expense of the State State covers the cost of both the per-pupil state aid amount for the student plus choice aid equal to the choice district local levy for the student The district of residence loses only the state aid when a student from its district participates in the program allows districts in sending/receiving relationships to participate in the choice program unless otherwise legally prohibited
Interdistrict Public School Choice Program Act Program History Interdistrict Public School Choice Program Act FY2015-2017 Annual Appropriations Acts Due to exponential growth, Choice enrollment is limited Passed in 2010 Permanent program No limit on number of Choice districts Passed in 2000 Five-year pilot Maximum of 21 choice districts Enacted statutorily on a statewide basis (from a pilot program) by Governor Christie in 2010 Key part of the Governor’s education “Choice” agenda, intended to give parents options Wildly popular with parents, and with districts Resource issue How do we target the program in a meaningful way?
Choice Districts Operating in 2016-17 Overview of Choice Districts Choice Districts Operating in 2016-17 129 Operating Choice districts 5,235 Choice students (approx .4% of the public school students in the state) Located in 19 counties (all but Essex and Middlesex) $53.7 million Choice program cost State total student pop: 1,368,929.5
Program Growth 2011-2017 – Enrollment Choice Program Size and Growth Program Growth 2011-2017 – Enrollment 43% of choice districts have a specialized program offered to choice students. (67 districts) (105 districts)
Program Growth 2011-2017 - Dollars Choice Program Size and Growth Program Growth 2011-2017 - Dollars The Choice program was projected to grow by 50%+ annually until enrollment limits were imposed on FY2015 enrollments. AVG COST PP: $10,255 *FY2015 and FY2016 are net adjustments of $4.6 million (457 seats) and $1.9 (194 seats) million, respectively, as a result of adjustments due to overprojections in each of the prior years. (FY2017 cost of $53.7 m is net adjustment of $1.1 m.)
Interdistrict Public School Choice Program Code Readoption Readopt rules without amendments to avoid a regulatory lapse.