German Government The Federal Parliament Representatives set a democratic republic government in Germany The Federal Chancellor is the supreme power. The Social Democratic Party and Christian Democratic Union hold enormous power. According to the Constitution, power is divided among the Federal, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. The Weimar Republic failed in 1933 and the 3rd Reich came into power.
Two Sections of Parliament Bundestag Bundesrat
Bundestag Made up of 598 members It is elected for four years Single Seat Constituency hold 299 members while Stat Constituency holds the other 299 members The 5 percent rule says that 5% vote must be gained by each party to maintain its place in the Bundestag.
Bundesrat Represents state government on federal rank Has 69 members
Judicial Branch Self- governing Watches all state actions Controls the civil and criminal issues
World War II Adolf Hitler began his dictatorship From 1929 onwards, the worldwide economic depression creatd hyperinflation, social unrest and mass unemployment, to which Hitler offered scapegoats such as the Jews The Nazis eliminated all remaining political opposition, banning the Social Democrats, and forcing the other parties to disband