Micro & Macro Nutrients Soil Nutrient Relationship to Livestock
What are Nutrients??? Nutrient Mineral Vitamin a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. Mineral Inorganic naturally occurring chemical compound Vitamin organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition Chemical structure does not change! can be broken down by heat, air, or acid
What are Macrominerals? Large Substances needed for growth, metabolism and other body functions! Macrominerals are inorganic substances that a body needs in large amounts to perform metabolism, to grow, and to maintain body functions
What are Microminerals? Small Substances needed for growth, metabolism and other body functions! Macrominerals are inorganic substances that a body needs in large amounts to perform metabolism, to grow, and to maintain body functions
Minerals Essential to Animal Life: Macro Micro (K) Potassium (Cu) Copper (Mg) Magnesium (Fe) Iron (Na) Sodium (Mn) Manganese (S) Sulfur (Zn) Zinc (P) Phosphorus (Co) Cobalt (Ca) Calcium (I) Iodine (Se) Selenium
Where do the minerals come from? Animals Plants Soil
Mineral Uptake Manure/ Plant Material breaks down Minerals absorbed by plants Plants eaten by animals Animals defecate Manure/ Plant Material breaks down Mineral Uptake
Livestock Performance Areas Affected by Minerals Milk production Egg production Growth Conception Rates