Formulating a Thesis Statement Research Paper
Step 1 Begin by examining the general topic for angles, aspects, or approaches. Do some preliminary reading to get ideas. Write down some questions about your topic.
Step 2 Select an angle that narrows the topic to manageable proportions.
Step 3 Propose a judgment, criticism, or evaluation that you can support in a paper of the prescribed length. This is a temporary, tentative thesis statement, one that you will later refine and improve.
Step 4 Determine how you will back up your thesis statement by deciding what topics will support it, that is, what topics will provide evidence, reasons, and arguments that will convince the reader of the soundness of your thesis statement.
A good thesis statement is… A declarative sentence that states clearly and concisely the main point that the author wishes to make. Example: The perceived injustices of the Treaty of Versailles made it a major cause of World War II.
A good thesis statement is… Usually a sentence that embodies a judgment, evaluation, or criticism, often apparent in its use of value terms (e.g., good, better, best, valuable, worthwhile, desirable, favorable, major, most important, effective, significant, insightful, or should). Example: The major problems that made enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles difficult concerned disarmament, reparations, and the punishment of war criminals.
A good thesis statement is… A statement you consider significant, so that if someone says, “So what?” you can answer that question.
A good thesis statement may also… Suggest a comparison or contrast. Example: The treaty that followed World War II was radically different from the one that concluded World War I.
A good thesis statement may also… Focus primarily on the causes of or effects of a particular event, condition, or change. Example: A number of economic and political developments in Europe made World War I almost inevitable.
A good thesis statement may also… Propose a solution to a problem or recommend a policy. Example: Community service should be mandatory for all high school students, but it should take place during the school day.
A good thesis statement is not… A statement of fact. Poor example: The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the four major powers and became effective January 1920. A vague generalization. Poor example: The Treaty of Versailles caused the world a lot of problems. Merely the expression of a personal opinion. Poor example: I think the Treaty of Versailles was a foolish mistake. A question. Poor example: Was the Treaty of Versailles a major force in precipitating World War II?
Examples of Good Thesis Statements General subject: Specific topic: Thesis statement: Teenage runaways Reasons why adolescents run away from home Many adolescents run away from home, not because of delinquent activity but because they are seeking help.
Examples of Good Thesis Statements General subject: Specific topic: Thesis statement: History of the Jewish people The attempt to establish a Jewish homeland American Zionists played an important role in the struggle to establish a Jewish homeland.
Examples of Good Thesis Statements General subject: Specific topic: Thesis statement: Euthanasia Arguments opposing the practice of euthanasia Within the Judeo-Christian tradition, there are strong religious arguments against euthanasia.
Examples of Good Thesis Statements General subject: Specific topic: Thesis statement: The electromagnetic spectrum Use of X-rays in the analysis of paintings Radiography makes possible the verification of paintings by revealing age and underlying brushstroke techniques.
Summary An excellent thesis statement is: A judgment, criticism, or evaluation that research can support. A declarative sentence that states the main point of the essay. Something worth saying. Not a statement of fact, a personal opinion, a vague generalization, or a question.