Why we need biological dentistry A medical doctor’s perspective Dietrich K.Klinghardt, MD,PhD
Biological Dentistry Regard for Toxicology: One of the mainstays of conventional dentistry is the “silver” amalgam filling. The patent on it is owned by the FDA and generates an important and constant stream of revenue. It is termed by the ADA and FDA a device – an instrument applied to the outside of the body. By implication this means that both regulatory agencies consider the teeth something outside of the body, something that is not attached Biological dentistry is the revolutionary discovery that the teeth are part of the body and any intervention on a tooth can have both local and systemic effects on the nervous system, the immune system, the digestive system, the musculo-skeletal system and so forth.
Biological Dentistry Meanwhile, several thousand studies have demonstrated clearly, that mercury vapor escapes form the amalgam fillings and accumulates in the brain and CNS over time, leading to a multitude of neurological and immunological problems. Only 5 studies claim to show that amalgam fillings are totally safe. In these studies, the control group (the group with no amalgam fillings) was a group of edentulous patients (patients that had lost all their teeth). Now, common sense is telling us, that these patients most likely had amalgam fillings in their teeth before, but the fillings were so bad or toxic, that the patient lost the entire tooth – after it had given off much of its mercury vapor while the tooth was still in the mouth. And this is the healthy control group? We know that it is not the amalgam in the fillings that is hurting the patient but the mercury that has left the filling and is now in the patient’s brain. No other branch of science would have gotten away with studies like this without drawing ridicule - or worse - to the “researchers” Biological Dentistry is the revolutionary insight, that it is possible to practice dentistry as an applied science - without violating one’s common sense. Conventional dentistry often behaves like a religious fundamental sect, ignoring the available science and condemning dentists who do respect science and practice accordingly
2. Regard for Physics: Electrogalvanism: Dissimilar metals in the same mouth generate abnormal electric fields (voltage) and abnormal currents (amperage). This will inevitably lead to the electro-galvanic dissolution of the lesser of both metals. This is called “electrogalvanism” and is taught to all dental students - and is addressed in all standard dental textbooks that I have reviewed. However, it appears to me, that as soon as a dentist opens his or her practice, the laws of physics no longer apply and everyone is placing colorful variations of different metals in the same mouth. In fact, I testified in court cases where the medical experts testifying on behalf of the dental board against a “biological dentist” stated, that the teaching on electrogalvanism is outdated and irrelevant Biological dentistry is the revolutionary discovery that the laws of physics apply even to the oral cavity and should be respected
Regard for architecture/structure: Last but not least, the bite is a major factor in the function of the musculo-skeletal system. A Japanese study on dogs demonstrated that the minute decrease of vertical height in the dog’s jaw on one side led to scoliosis of the spine and major seemingly unrelated health problems, including premature death. The same is true for us humans. Very few dentists know about vertical dimension and other parameters of the bite. And what they know, they generally did not learn in dental school. This makes dentistry - from a medical point of view – potentially one of the most deficient and dangerous healing arts Biological dentistry is the radical insight, that the dental occlusion is a possible major source of health or illness in any person. The relevant science is not taught in dental schools and has to be learned in postgraduate courses. In fact, the teaching in dental schools involves the pulling of premolar teeth instead of expanding the jaw - with life-long health compromising consequences. From a medical point of view this is mutilation and should be stopped! Dental schools also teach retrusion – pushing the lower jaw back in relation to the upper jaw (instead of elevating and expanding the bite). This has lead to 10s of thousands of patients suffering a life with migraines, brain dysfunction and worse. From this medical doctor’s perspective, it is a crime perpetrated against humanity and simply insane. There is no science supporting this type of abuse. However, currently in the UK dentists are prosecuted if they do what is right. It is not just an American problem.
4. Regard for Medicine: Systemic infections affect both teeth and jaw bone and require appropriate treatment. The dentist often ends up being the primary care provider and he/she should apply general medical principles. It is often not possible to treat the dental symptoms - without addressing the physical cause. This always includes body areas below the neck Biological dentistry is the only way out of an ongoing nightmare in which many may people’s lives are destroyed or crippled everyday. It is clear to me, that someday soon all dentistry will become biological – if we choose to survive as a humanity. It is only a matter of time