The Hudson River Created by Ms. Gates, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

The Hudson River Created by Ms. Gates, 2011

The Hudson Task: Students will identify the Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, and Hudson rivers.

The Hudson “Where is the Hudson River?” “Why is it an important waterway in the U.S.?”

It divides New York State from New Jersey. The Hudson River It divides New York State from New Jersey.

The Hudson It is named for an English Explorer, Henry Hudson North River “the river that flows both ways”

The Hudson Important, but not long – other little rivers flow into it It is 315 miles long.

The Hudson It may not be long but it sure is busy! Barges deliver goods up and down the river day and night

The Hudson The NYC Harbor and then the Atlantic Ocean. FDR had a home long the river – it’s now a museum!

It’s used for transport of goods and people. The Hudson It’s used for transport of goods and people. Many bridges and tunnels connect the opposite sides.

It is a heritage river – it’s protected under the law. The Hudson It is a heritage river – it’s protected under the law.

The Hudson River It is very polluted ... But people are cleaning it up Many companies are built along the Hudson (like GE)

The Hudson River There is also a lot of tourism: fishing, rafting and boating are popular.

Many animals, birds, fish and plants call the river home. The Hudson River Many animals, birds, fish and plants call the river home.

The Hudson hardly ever floods. The Hudson River The Hudson hardly ever floods.

The Hudson River A famous plane crash happened on the river in 2009. The pilot (“Sully”) landed safely and everyone lived. The plane took off from NY. It had hit a flock of birds; some went into the engine.

The Hudson River Tell someone at your table ONE thing you have learned about the Hudson river.