Launchpad & Bazaar Use Launchpad to work on team projects Use Bazaar a Distributed Version Control System D-VCS
Launchpad & Bazaar: SSH Key Browse to and create an account: username Generate a ssh-key on your machine: Open a terminal Install ssh: sudo apt-get install openssh-client Generate a key: ssh-keygen -t rsa When prompted, press Enter to accept the default file name for your key Enter a password (Optional) Public key is stored in: ~/.ssh/ Private key (secret!) is stored in: ~/.ssh/
Launchpad & Bazaar: SSH Key Upload the ssh-key to launchpad Browse to You will see a place that says SSH Keys with an exclamation point (!) in a yellow circle next to it Click on the (!) scroll down until you see Add an SSH Key and a text box We will paste our public key into this text box: In a terminal: gedit ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pun & Copy and paste from gedit to the web browser Now simply click on the button Import Public Key Each computer you use, you need to import the ssh-key
Launchpad & Bazaar: Bazaar Bazaar is a Version Control Software (VCS) bzr is the main command to use Create a branch to hold your code: bzr init Add files to your branch: bzr add Tell bzr who you are: bzr whoami Change and commit code to your branch: bzr commit See what has not been commited: bzr status See what changes have been made: bzr log Make a copy of a branch: bzr branch Install bzr: sudo apt-get install bzr bzrtool
Launchpad & Bazaar: Locations Bazaar can work with files on your computer Launchpad has a Bazaar service you can use to host branches Files are publically readable You can control who can change the files by individual or teams Don't have to worry about backing up source code Create a project on launchpad to hold multiple branches: ihris-manage, i2ce, ihris-manage-cssc Use the translation capabilities built into launchpad bzr knows about launchpad – it's easy!
Launchpad & Bazaar: Teams Launchpad uses teams to control who can modify code it stores under bazaar Designate a team owner Create a team tanzania-ihris-workshop Everyone join the team This will be our playground
Bazaar & Launchpad: branch Create the iHRIS directory sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` /var/lib/iHRIS Download the ihris manage release code mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0.3 ln -sf /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0.3 /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0 cd /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0.3 bzr branch lp:i2ce/4.0.3 I2CE bzr branch lp:ihris-common/4.0.3 ihris-common bzr branch lp:ihris-manage/4.0.3 ihris-manage bzr branch lp:textlayout/4.0.3 textlayout
Bazaar & Launchpad: checkout We just did bzr branch which makes a copy of the code hosted on launchpad If we commit to the branches (i2ce, ihris-manage, etc.) changes are only local – they do not get pushed up to launchpad automatically To put changes to code on launchpad can use: bzr checkout: use instead of bzr branch bzr push: if you used bzr branch this will move committed code to launchpad one time only bzr bind: changes a bzr branch to a bzr checkout
Bazaar & Lunchpad: Activity Acitivity determined by workshop participants to get familiar with launchpad