Project Nexus Workgroup (Settlement)


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Presentation transcript:

Project Nexus Workgroup (Settlement) Shipper & Regime Transfer Scenarios 1st June 2011

Existing Change of Shipper Transfer Read Timeline - all Regimes Date Read loaded for D & GT notifies Close out for Transfer read Period for Shipper to submit replacement transfer read GT Est. on D GT notifies of estimate Period for Shipper to submit transfer read Shipper window for Transfer read date D- 5 D D+1 D+5 D+10 D+15 Key: NDM Regime DM Regime DME Regime

Transfer issues with new Regime Read obtained 5 days either side of the transfer date may not work for sites where daily reads submitted. Obtain read on the transfer date? Deadline for submission of the transfer read required to ensure any subsequent reads loaded are processed Apply a D+5 close out for submitting a valid transfer read for Processes 3 & 4? Where a read is not loaded GT estimates on D+5 Processes 1 & 2; no issue as a read is received/loaded by D+5 Deadline for the Outgoing Shipper to submit their ‘normal’ reads? Processes 3 & 4 only. Impacts if reads not received? Change of regime to Processes 3 or 4; should a batch of reads or periodic read only be accepted after a valid transfer read is loaded or at [D+6] (estimate submitted by GT)? The transfer read process must also be appropriate for dumb metered sites

GT estimate issued where a valid transfer read Ideal Solution: Shipper & Regime Transfer all Processes (except Dumb sites?) Transfer Date (D) Outgoing Shipper Incoming Shipper GT estimate issued where a valid transfer read is not received Obtain Read on D Period for submission of the transfer read obtained on D Deadline for Transfer Read Start of daily read Submission (P1 & 2) ‘Normal’ reads received from Incoming Shipper for P3 & 4 Deadline for submission of ‘normal’ reads’ from Outgoing Shipper ‘Normal’ reads received D- 5 D-1 D D+1 D+5 D+6 Note: It is the Incoming Shippers responsibility to submit the transfer read