Chapter 26 Page 456 (old and new books) Nutrition Chapter 26 Page 456 (old and new books)
Nutrients Every food we eat contains nutrients. Nutrients are the chemical substances in food that your body needs. Think of a car. Gas is the fuel that powers a car. Without gas a car cannot run. If the gas is of poor quality or has water in it, a car will not run well. Your body is like that car. Just like gas provides a car with the energy that it needs, food provides your body with the energy it needs to run. Just like a car, you need to replace the energy that you use with more energy. You also need the right kind of fuel to keep your body working properly. The fuels that your body needs are found in food.
The nutrients that our bodies need are: Carbohydrates Proteins Fats (lipids) Water Vitamins Minerals
Six nutrients Organic Nutrients (have carbon in them) Non-organic nutrients Carbohydrates Minerals Fats Water Proteins Vitamins There are six different kinds of nutrients. Four of these are called organic nutrients.
Carbohydrates Main source of energy for your body Compound made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Gives quick energy Talk about what foods students eat when they are hungry and need a quick energy boost.
Takes a bit longer to digest so the energy lasts longer.
Fats Fats are compounds made up of mostly carbon and hydrogen Fats can be either solids or liquids Solid fats usually come from animal sources such as meat and dairy.
Liquid fats are often oils Fats fill you up faster and are digested more slowly than carbohydrates. Fats are called energy-storing nutrients. Stored fat helps keep you warm (insulation) and protects your body organs.
So what would happen if you didn’t eat any fat? Fat is also needed because every cell in our bodies is partly made of fat. Many of the hormones that our bodies need, like testosterone and estrogen, have a high fat content. So what would happen if you didn’t eat any fat? Talk about the fact that testosterone is what kicks in a puberty and causes male secondary characteristics and the development of sperm. Estrogen = female characteristics and the development of eggs.
Unsaturated Fats Unsaturated fats are the healthiest fats.
“Trans fats” Trans fats are fats changed from liquid to solids by a process other than cooling. Trans fats cause problems with your arteries.
The Skinny on Fats Thirty percent of your calories each day should come from fats. The ones you want to eat are unsaturated. The next best are saturated. The worst are trans fats.
The problem with eating too much fat “bad” fat.
Proteins Your body need proteins to: build muscle grow repair
Proteins: Are made of small molecules called amino acids Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
11 of them are made in the body. You have to eat the other 9. Your body uses 20 different amino acids. 11 of them are made in the body. You have to eat the other 9.
Proteins are classified into two groups: Complete proteins Contain all 9 of the amino acids that the body can’t make Come from animals (Meat, cheese, fish, poultry, some grains like quinoa) Incomplete proteins Have some but not all 9of the proteins that our bodies can’t make. Found in nuts, whole wheat, cereals, legumes (beans like black beans, chickpeas, baked beans)
Why is it important for vegetarians to eat a variety of plant proteins?
Organic nutrients Carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins are organic nutrients which mean that they contain carbon.
Vitamins Organic micronutrients that are found naturally in many foods are called vitamins. Your body can make 2 of the vitamins it needs: Vitamin D (needs the sun) and Vitamin K (made in the large intestine with the help of the bacteria, E.Coli).
Vitamins: Are needed in very small amounts Usually work in teams with other vitamins or nutrients
Vitamins are either fat soluble or water soluble. What does this mean????? Dissolves in either fat or water Fat soluble vitamins are found in foods that contain fats and oils. If a vitamin is water soluble and you don’t use it in a day, you pee it out. If it’s fat soluble, it is stored in your cells.
Minerals Minerals are inorganic nutrients (don’t contain carbon) They play an important part in the development of the body (i.e. Calcium for strong bones and teeth)
Minerals can either be used quickly or eliminated or stored in the body. Minerals are eliminated through the skin in perspiration or by the kidneys in urine.
Water About 70%of our bodies are made of water. Uses of water: Blood and tissue fluids Needed for every chemical reaction that takes place Acts as a coolant when we perspire In digestion, carries nutrients to the blood Needed to remove waste products through kidneys and skin
In very rare cases…too much of a good thing… Contest
Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 14th Questions 1 – 5 on page 463