Jefferson Elementary School @1jeffjags Math Night for Parents Jefferson Elementary School @1jeffjags
Why is math changing?
Think back… Talk with someone near you. Prepare to share out! For you, what was one POSITIVE experience with math in school? For you, what was one NEGATIVE experience with math in school?
4 Key Math Messages Anyone can achieve at high levels. Believe in yourself! Struggle and mistakes are really important. They grow your brain! Speed is not important. 4 Key Math Messages
18 x 5 Try it! Find the answer. Think about how you solved it. Can you solve it a different way?
Try using a different method! 12 x 15 Try using a different method!
Algorithms you might see in homework... Lattice Partial Products and Partial Quotients Box Breaking apart numbers
Ideas for supporting math growth from home 1. Play games! 2. Find your kid’s logic and build on it. 3. Do visual activities, not speed drills. Handout:
Ideas for supporting math growth from home 4. Model a growth mindset. Don’t admit feeling bad at math. 5. Encourage number sense. = 9 x 2 x 5 = 20 x 5 - 2 x 5 6. Encourage a “growth mindset”! “I like your thinking about that!” “Your brain is growing!” Kids will get a username and password at school.
Encourage flexible thinking and persistence. Stuck on math homework? Say or Ask: “How do you see the problem?” “What do you know about this problem?” “Can you think of another way to try it?” “What does this remind you of?” “Your brain is growing!” Encourage flexible thinking and persistence.
Thank you!