Effective Training Sequence for 802.11n David Tung Ralink Technology dtung@ralinktech.com
Trade-offs of Training Sequence Backward compatibility Backward compatible with 802.11a is required by Functional Requirement. (IEEE 802.11-03-813r9) A lesson from 802.11g. Effectiveness Low overhead for the same functional requirements. Performance AGC, frequency offset est., symbol alignment, channel est. When it comes to MIMO, we are talking about few tens dB improvement.
Objective of this Presentation Present an effective training sequence that wouldn’t scarify other criteria.
The Proposed Training Sequence
The Proposed Training Sequence (cont.) SPa, LPa and SIGa are 802.11a training sequence. (802.11a backward compatible) SPn1, SPn2, SPn3 Polarity inversion of some SPa tones. The same auto-correlation sequences as SPa. Low cross-correlations between SPn1, SPn2, SPn3 and SPa. (good for MIMO AGC, IEEE 802.11-04-02r1 ) SIGn is a TBD signal field for 802.11n. Save up to 16ms. (IEEE 802.11-04-46r1.)
The Short Preamble Sequences Codeword representation: 0 means the same polarity, 1 means the opposite polarity. Power of one sequence divided by maximum power of (circular) cross-correlation is 8.57dB. PAPR are 3.36dB, 6.02dB, 5.51dB and 6.48dB for SPa, SPn1, SPn2 and SPn3 respectively.
The Short Preamble Sequences (cont.)
The Short Preamble Sequences (cont.)
Conclusion We present an effective training sequence that supports 802.11a backward compatibility and achieves better performance for MIMO AGC training.