EN-CV interventions during EYETS for PS and PSB 2016-2017 20-10-2016
Highlights The manpower is common for all the machines of the PS Complex and for half of the LHC. Time constraints must be sent to the contractor → please send your specific request for water. Preliminary plan as been established.
Activities for the EYETS Normal yearly maintenance Example for the cooling circuits: Emptying the primary circuits and cleaning of the cooling towers Repairs Necessary maintenance (filters, belt, greasing, …) Instrumentation check / calibrating Bugs fixing Corrective maintenance
MEYRIN, CPS (1/2) Circuits Stop Restart Linac + Leir LEIR – LINAC 2 and 3 (Demi water) 19/12/2016 20/02/2017 LINAC 2 (Raw water) Running LINAC 3 (Raw water) 16/12/2016 27/02/2017 LINAC 4 12/12/2016 Maintenance 16/01/2017 stop later Booster Booster / TT2 15/12/2016 06/03/2017 Booster – chilled water (affecting PS 359 RF room) 13/02/2017 Compensator / bldg.242 PS PS – Central building Anneau 18/01/2017 PS – Main magnet 10/03/2017 POPS 27/03/2017 PS – Chilled water Thyristor cooling – PS rotating machine
MEYRIN, CPS (2/2) Machine Circuits Stop Restart Isolde Cryo – Primary 20/12/2017 23/01/2017 BTY magnets cooling 28/11/2016 02/02/2017 Hall (hall incl. Separator REX, EBIS, TRAP) HIE ISOLDE (HEBT lines + triplets REX + RF bldg. 199) Targets cooling Mixed water cooling (Ampli RF bldg 170 + REX cavities) East area 16/12/2016 11/04/2017 AD 20/12/2016 06/02/2017 09/01/2016 17/02/2017 AD Target CTF3 19/12/2016 TBD nTOF Running
Additional works
Booster – additional works Cooling pipes installation in the BRF2 room in Building 361 (New power converters cooling) Unused water pipes removal in the PSB tunnel Demineralised water pipes between PS and PSB for shielding modification Water connections to the booster chilled water circuit and to demineralised water supply for bldg. 245 Verification and balancing of the motor of the fans
PS – additional works BGI connection and commissioning New valves to install chilled water production Replacement of existing valves chilled distribution Water connection on Pops primary cooling system in Building 367 Installation of a demi water skid (3-4 m3/h @4-5 bars Delta P) for dummy load cooling in building 367 Refurbishment of the sump FTDP-00008