Marketing Communications Plan Target Company expansion into Europe Kristen Adams December 11, 2012
Overview Strategy & Environment Brief History of Company Marketing Communications Efforts Audience Demographics Objectives Messages Channels Budget Measurement and Evaluation Methodology
Strategy & Environment: Focus of the MarCom plan Product Product line Company image Target Audience Specific Broader Broadest Messages Detailed Higher level Conceptual Channels Very targeted More general Broad reach
Brief History of Target 1902 – Founded by George Dayton 1911- Dayton’s Department store 1916 – Associated merchandise corporation 1946 – Gove 5 % to communities 1962 – The birth of Target 1968 – Updating the bulls eye
Brief History of Target: Mission “Our mission is to make Target your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional guest experiences by consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less.® brand promise” (Target).
Marketing Communications Efforts: Consumer Expenditure How do your customers prefer to buy? What communications best facilitate buying and selling?
Marketing Communications Efforts: Consumer Forecast
Audience Demographics: Purchasing Power Control Spending Replace only when needed Do-it-yourself Seek Value Shop Smarter
Audience Demographics: Key Consumer Trends Consumer morale low – purchasing power No.2 preoccupation of the French population, after unemployment Hard Discount and Private label benefiting from downturn
Objectives: Advertising Goals Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action
Objectives: Advertising Goals
Messages We want our customers to know about… Our company image: address overall branding. Our product lines: highlighting similarities, differences, and relative positioning among products. Our individual products: specific features and benefits What do you want your customers to know?
Channels: Broadcast Media State-owned France Televisions Multi-channel satellite and cable services Radio France Radio France Internationale Commercial FM stations
Channels: Social Media Windows Live Profile Skyrock Twitter Facebook YouTube YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Skyrock, and Windows Live Profile.
Budget Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Product Sales 20.5 65.5 112.3 Product Contribution 10.0 15.3 40.7 Advertising/Promotions 20.0 10.2 Profit (loss) (9.5) 30.2 61.4 Cumulative profit (loss) 9.5 20.7
Measurement and Evaluation Methodology Social networks attract 21.9 million users in France in 2012. With the number of mobile social network users in France expected to increase from 7.5 million to 11.3 million in 2013, Target’s media plan will increase awareness, build loyalty, and improve sales.
Works Cited "Europe: France." Central Intelligence Agency. CIA. Web. 11 Dec 2012. < world-factbook/geos/fr.html >. "France." New Media Trend Watch. European Travel Commission, 6 2012. Web. 27 Nov 2012. < country/10-europe/52-france?start=2>. "France Facts." Bojour La France. Bojour La France. Web. 11 Dec 2012. facts/france.htm. “Mission & Values." Target. Target Brands, Inc.. Web. 11 Dec 2012. <>.