SEVILLA, 30TH/09, 1ST -2ND /10/13
TEXtile and apparel MEDiterranean heritage for INnovation Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund TEXMEDIN TEXtile and apparel MEDiterranean heritage for INnovation Project Transnational Cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Framework the European Territorial Cooperation objective by the MED Programme Timescale April 2009 - September 2011
of the Mediterranean Area Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund 9 partners from 6 regions of the Mediterranean Area with a long-established vocation on T&C and a tradition in design and creativity Municipality of Prato (Italy) - Lead Partner Textile Museum of Prato (Italy) Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (Greece) Foment of Terrassa (Spain) Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Terrassa (Spain) Clothing Textile and Fibre Technological Development Company - CLOTEFI (Greece) French Institute Textile Clothing - IFTH (France) Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation (Greece) Carpiformazione (Italy)
PROJECT OBJECTIVE QUALITY DESIGN INNOVATION Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund PROJECT OBJECTIVE To identify, share and exploit partners' T&A knowledge-base of productive know-how and creative heritage as a driver for innovation and inspiration source for the production of new high added-value and environmental friendly T&A products To create a transnational cluster combining the partners economic, technological and creative resources in order to integrate R&D, fashion and design know-how To support the interaction between emerging designers, textile museums, training and research centres and T&A SMEs, and facilitate the creation of new enterprises in the T&A sector QUALITY DESIGN INNOVATION TEXMEDIN Axis Strengthening innovation capacities focusing on
STAKEHOLDERS T&C companies Enterprises Artisans Museums Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund T&C companies Textile&fashion designers Enterprises Industrial&trade associations STAKEHOLDERS Artisans Museums Fashion&design schools Style Offices&design consultants
CONTENTS TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY TEXMEDIN DESIGN CHALLENGE Artisans Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund CONTENTS Integrated Knowledge-base TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY aimed to implement the assessment and sharing of the partners' T&C knowledge-base (know-how and creative heritage), by developing the contents and ICT platform of the T&C Mediterranean know-how Artisans Inspiring Lab cluster of Innovation TEXMEDIN DESIGN CHALLENGE aimed to draw inspiration from the TEXMEDIN Digital Library to design and implement innovative measures to enhance the competitiveness of the partners by integrating R&D, fashion and design in their T&C clusters
TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY Innovative tool to professionals looking for inspiration and creativity in the treasure house of the existing T&A heritage. The TEXMEDIN Digital Library collect the most representative elements of the textile and apparel heritage detained in the archives of textile and fashion museums and enterprises. These items, above 800, are available to young stylists, designers and enterprises to increase the attractiveness and value of the T&C products and creations through an online Digital Library providing the structured information on each material. Artisans
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund Artisans
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund Artisans
Clothes and accessories from the 19th century (CDMT, Spain) Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund Artisans Clothes and accessories from the 19th century (CDMT, Spain)
Prato textile heritage for clothing and furniture Artisans Prato textile heritage for clothing and furniture from the 50s to 90s (MDT, Italy)
Artisans Traditional clothes and accessories of the Peloponnese since 1700 (Greece)
from the 70's (Carpiformazione, Italy) Artisans selection of stitches from the 70's (Carpiformazione, Italy)
THE INSPIRING LAB CLUSTER Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund THE INSPIRING LAB CLUSTER Partners established 5 local Inspiring Labs in Prato (Italy), Carpi (Italy), Terrassa (Spain), Athens (Greece) and Lyon (France) The Inspiring Labs are a trasnational network of service providers for stylists, designers, enterprises, fashion schools, and agencies for safeguarding and promoting the local textiles. It aimed to draw inspiration from the TEXMEDIN Digital Library to design and implement innovative measures to enhance the competitiveness of T&C sector Artisans
THE TEXMEDIN DESIGN CHALLENGE was an opportunity offered to the new generations of european designers to develop their potential and upgrade their skills for research and creative reinterpretation of the t&a heritage in a contemporary key. Artisans
Artisans EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE+ EUROPEAN CONTEST+ Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund This initiative aimed to provide visibility and opportunities to young talents and to encourage textile and fashion companies to invest in design as a strategic element of competitiveness and in young people as an essential creative resource setting the trends in the fashion system Artisans EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE+ EUROPEAN CONTEST+ PROMOTION OF YOUNG TALENTS+ INTERACTION WITH ENTERPRISES
HERITAGE REINTERPRETATION Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund HERITAGE REINTERPRETATION TEXMEDIN Design Challenge has selected a restricted group of young designers on the basis of project works realized as contemporary re-interpretation of one or more items of the TEXMEDIN digital library. Participants were asked to realize one project work of either a new textile, fashion outfit, accessory or interior design product.
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund INSPIRING ACTIVITIES TEXMEDIN Design Challenge has selected a restricted group of young designers on the basis of project works realized as contemporary re-interpretation of one or more items of the TEXMEDIN digital library. Participants were asked to realize one project work of either a new textile, fashion outfit, accessory or interior design product. A selection of the best project works inspired from T&C heritage got access to the second part of the contest: coaching and training activities
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund COACHING AND TRAINING Selected designers attended training and coaching sessions at the 5 Inspiring Labs which supported them in deepening their know-how and boosting their creative energy
PROTOTYPING Professionals and experts Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund PROTOTYPING Professionals and experts Roberta Orsi Landini, Textile and Costum historian Mattia Zupo, Textile Technician and teacher Annaluisa Franco, Fashion marketing teacher Roberto Badiani, Fashion Trend Expert and consultant Alessandro Pierattini, Textile Technician and teacher Luigi Giannetta, Fashion designer and consultant
PROMOTION&VISIBILITY Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund PROMOTION&VISIBILITY Starting from Spain, the best project works have been displayed in a travelling exhibition taking place in the partners areas and museums
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund In Valencia the exhition was hosted in the HABITAT Fair, where it was visited by 350 people, while in Athens was connected to the 2011 autumn/winter Athen’s Fashion Week
RESULTS TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY TEXMEDIN DESIGN CHALLENGE Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund RESULTS Is already a huge storage of information about textile and clothing heritage Is online, easy, free and suitable for designers Can be expanded and updated adding new items by subscribing a protocol TEXMEDIN DIGITAL LIBRARY Sep 2010 133 applications and projects from all over Europe Sept 2011 - Jan 2012: the 54 prototypes were displayed in a travelling exhibition in four countries TEXMEDIN DESIGN CHALLENGE – Texmedin countries + Romania, Sweden, Holland, Germany and Portugal The project defined and tested a new cluster for innovation The network is opened to new members INSPIRING LAB
54 young designers participating and prototypes Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund SUCCESS INDICATORS 54 young designers participating and prototypes 68 local and Regional Authorities towards which communication tools were disseminated 35 enterprises directly involved in transnational activities 250 enterprises indirectly involved in transnational activities 133.550 website contacts 5 new Inspiring Labs for transnational support of innovation activated
Contact details about TEXMEDIN Project Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund Contact details about TEXMEDIN Project Paolo Guarnieri | Francesco Bolli Municipality of Prato |Prato Textile Museum | Website Artisans
Project cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund Artisans