JWST TFI Non-Redundant Mask the JAMEx team Anand Sivaramakrishnan (STScI) David Lafreniere (U. de Montreal) Peter Tuthill (Sydney) James Lloyd (Cornell) Michael Ireland (Macquarie) Frantz Martinache (Subaru) Laurent Pueyo (JHU) Barry McKernan (CUNY) Saavik Ford (CUNY) André Martel (STScI) Laura Ferrarese (HIA) John Hutchings Anton Koekemoer (STScI) Doug Johnstone (HIA) Alexandra Greenbaum (JHU) Exoplanets 1 - NRM mask on JWST - holes exposing 7 mirrors; undersized (pupl shear) miss spiders, large separations, 3.8-5um R 100 2 - interferometry vs imaging Airy vs Michelson 3 - space vs ground - stability of phase, quality of phase, quality of amplitude, chromatic two-or-more waves with TFI, thermal IR background from ground 4 - ground-based NRM data analysis: optical – CP 5 - observing sequence for point sources (binaries) by Lafreniere on HR8799 sim and contrast ratio curve, SUB256 picture, mag limit ~5 in M 6 - observing sequence by McK+Ford and CA significance for symmetric structure (equal binaries, eg) 7 - ground-based radio interferometry analysis for JWST NRM data (MIRIAD/CASA) - JW NRM has DC component like ALMA 8 - extended structure in space: multi-month observing and aperture synthesis 9 - NRM can coarse phase and fine phase JWST with TFI Extragalactic
The mask Seven apertures in pupil Undersized for pupil shear 21 interferometers NR: No repeated baselines 15% throughput l/dl = R ~100 etalon Bright limit M ~5 65mas pixel limits NRM to 3.8 - 5 um 1 - NRM mask on JWST - holes exposing 7 mirrors; undersized (pupl shear) miss spiders, large separations, 3.8-5um R 100 2 - interferometry vs imaging Airy vs Michelson 3 - space vs ground - stability of phase, quality of phase, quality of amplitude, chromatic two-or-more waves with TFI, thermal IR background from ground 4 - ground-based NRM data analysis: optical – CP 5 - observing sequence for point sources (binaries) by Lafreniere on HR8799 sim and contrast ratio curve, SUB256 picture, mag limit ~5 in M 6 - observing sequence by McK+Ford and CA significance for symmetric structure (equal binaries, eg) 7 - ground-based radio interferometry analysis for JWST NRM data (MIRIAD/CASA) - JW NRM has DC component like ALMA 8 - extended structure in space: multi-month observing and aperture synthesis 9 - NRM can coarse phase and fine phase JWST with TFI
Signal is not the problem Throw away light but get the science! Rayleigh Criterion = 1.22 /D Michelson Criterion = 0.5 /D Huge blob Airy Price of redundancy of many short baselines If you know you’re looking for a binary the tight core of fringe is great! GPI coronograph FPM dia. 5.6 /D NRM sweet spot 0.5 to 5 /D 3
Space advantage: stability of wavefront AMPLITUDE PHARO PALAO Martinache, Bernat, Lloyd & PalAO team. Ks, exptime ~3.5s Lafreniere & JAM Team: many noise sources included – target acq error, pointing/jitter, intra-pixel sensitivity, read noise, flat field, TFI throughput. l = 4.6um. PSF modelling following Makidon et al 2008 SPIE and Sivaramakrishnan et al SPIE 2009
JWST thermal drift 2011_Strange_fig2.png and eps Ground L-band Keck - Hinkley et al 2011 2011_Strange_fig2.png and eps Hinkley et al 7.5mag lam/D K Keck 8mag 73mas Hinkley et al 2011 Lband Thermal drift modelling following Makidon et al 2008 SPIE
Aperture synthesis with JWST 21 interferometers PSF at left Single NRM PSF Parmentier & Sivaramakrishnan Stony Brook testbed UV coverage for TFI aperture synthesis
Aperture synthesis with JWST 21 interferometers 12 observations over 2 months 5 degree rotations between them Single NRM PSF Parmentier & Sivaramakrishnan Stony Brook testbed UV coverage for TFI aperture synthesis
Aperture synthesis with JWST 21 interferometers 7 observations over 2 months 5 degree rotations between them Single NRM PSF Parmentier & Sivaramakrishnan Stony Brook testbed
Aperture synthesis with JWST MIRIAD radio software applied to TFI NRM Sivaramakrishnan & Teuben Single NRM PSF Parmentier & Sivaramakrishnan Stony Brook testbed ~1mas astrometry Galactic Center in K Keck Laser guide star AO Ghez et al. UCLA
A JAMEx Science case Well-studied, bright nearby AGN Key role in galaxy formation, & (via feedback) in LCDM cosmology Accretion disk outer flared region ~? 1-20 pc in size Already seen in N1068 Is the accretion torus clumpy? Is there structure outside the torus?