A Good Learning Session What Makes A Good Learning Session
Two men at a party and one says to the other "So what do you do for a living?" "I'm a plastic surgeon," says the other. "I Tuck up Features!" "That’s a coincidence!" says the first man, "because I'm an ESTYN inspector."
A Good Learning Session Planning The Session Beginning Middle End
Planning Evidence of appropriate planning for Learning Scheme of Work Use college template (find on the intranet) Electronic SOW (Find on the s: drive) Lesson Plans that relates to the SOW
Beginning Link with previous learning Set out learning objectives Recap – (assess degree of response) Set out learning objectives (Don’t use educational jargon) This is what we are going to cover This is what you are going to learn Why do you think you need to know it Assess entry behaviour (how much do you already know)
Beginning Hook to engage interest Display enthusiasm Clear delivery Use of voice to engage learners Personal projection
Middle Learning Learning Activities Variety of Strategies to: Promote Facilitate Induce Learning
Middle Take account of individual learning styles preference Generate appropriate pace and momentum to maintain interest Good Classroom management in order to Create good environment and atmosphere Keep learners’ focused Discipline Re-enforce learning Purposeful repetition
Middle Assessment Variety of assessment strategies (Formative) Assessment for learning focus upon how: Assessment undertaken impacts upon learning itself How it can improve future learning
END Evaluation of learning Recap tell me what you have learnt today (Question and answer session) Short activity to reinforce all planned learning objectives Final check of acquired Knowledge Skills Understanding SUMMATIVE
END Additional Activities to reinforce planned learning objectives Project learning forward into how it links with following sessions (HOMEWORK)