You’re on your way to high school class of 2022!!!!! GCISD 8th Grade Four Year Planning You’re on your way to high school class of 2022!!!!!
A/B Modified Block Schedule A DAY 0/1st period 2nd period 3rd period- LUNCHES are during this period 4th period 8th/9th period NOTE: 1st (0) and 8th (9th) periods are shorter so they meet every day. Athletics and Band meet both 0 AND 9th periods. B DAY 0/1st period 5th period 6th period- LUNCHES are during this period 7th period 8th/9th period
DIFFERENCES High School Middle School Courses are not taken for credit. There is no GPA in middle school. Unless you are in STEM, you follow the same schedule everyday. High School Courses become credits that are required for graduation. Grades receive points that are calculated into your GPA. CHHS & GHS are on a modified block schedule.
How do I earn a credit? Credits are earned by passing each class (70 or above) If you do not make a 70 or higher Danger of repeating the course Not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities Students earn a half credit for each successfully completed semester of class. Students must earn at least 26 credits to graduate.
GCISD Graduation Requirements = 26 Credits 4 Credits of English 4 Credits of Math (Algebra 2 required) 4 Credits of Science 4 Credits of Social Studies 1 Credit of PE 1 Credit of Fine Art 1 Technology Credit ½ Credit of Speech ½ Credit of Health 2 Credits of Languages other than English OR American Sign Language 4 Elective or Endorsement Credits* *In one endorsement area. 4 X *Students in GCISD automatically receive the Distinguished Level of Achievement IF they complete Algebra 2 as a part of the 4 X 4.
End of Course (EOC) Exams (Additional Graduation Requirements)
Grade Point Average (GPA) Cumulative GPA This includes all high school courses EXCEPT Courses taken in Middle School Summer school courses taken for Credit Recovery High School credit classes take before the 1st day of 9th grade Credit by exam Traditional correspondence courses Ranking GPA Class Rank: Calculated for students in the top 10% only Class Rank: includes the following classes: All English, Math, Science, and History (Core classes) Foreign Language (LOTE) classes Please refer to the Program of Studies for the full list of AP classes included in this ranking
GCISD GPA Scale 4.0 4.2 4.2
Transcript Course Codes: G=GT J=Middle School Q=PAP P=AP RJ=Summer School This slide shows a sample high school transcript. From the 1st high school class you take, you begin “building” a transcript. A transcript is a complete list of all the high school credit classes you take…...if you pass or fail, it goes on this permanent record. Colleges require copies of this as well as many employers. Your grades- good or bad follow you!!!
House Bill 5 Endorsements
A bit about Endorsements... GCISD students have the opportunity to earn multiple endorsements. All GCISD students taking Algebra II will receive the Multidisciplinary endorsement. Each endorsement includes a specific list of courses from which students will earn four credits.
Multidisciplinary Endorsement All students in GCISD will receive the Multidisciplinary Endorsement if they complete the 4X4 with Algebra II. This endorsement gives you a wide variety of career options. The advanced pathway of this endorsement must include at least 4 AP courses to include one credit in each of the four areas.
Business and Industry Endorsement Students must earn at least 4 credits in one area from the following Business & Industry subject areas: Architecture and Construction Agriculture and Food Business Management Hospitality and Tourism Manufacturing and Transportation
Arts and Humanities Endorsement Students must earn at least 4 credits in one area from the Arts & Humanities subject area: Social Studies Languages other than English American Sign Language English
STEM Endorsement Students must earn at least 4 credits in one STEM subject area: Science (5 Science classes) Technology Engineering Mathematics (5 Math classes)
Public Services Endorsement Students must earn at least 4 credits from one area of the following Public Services areas: Education Health Science Law Enforcement
4 Year Plan Instructions Please complete two copies of your 4 year plan document in pencil. You will keep a copy and return one copy to your English teacher by Wednesday, November 8th. Please refer to the GCISD Program of Studies and the GCISD CTE Pathways Chart for more information (links provided on next slide). Additional resources GMS counselor website GMS counselor Google Classroom High School counselor websites
4 Year Plan Write your name here
4 Year Plan Resources GCISD Graduation Information and Program of Studies GCISD CTE Pathways