We were challenged to make an iconic, eye catching logo. Our logo story We were challenged to make an iconic, eye catching logo.
In the logo, we had to decide whether to: include a rat to represent our name put the name in full the meaning of (R.A.T.S) Raising Awareness of Tides and Sea Levels rising water the local area, such as the South Downs
These were our initial ideas.
Initial ideas
These designs incorporated more text to show our name
We worked on our designs with Graphic Designer, Chris Smedley We worked on our designs with Graphic Designer, Chris Smedley. He pushed us to try and think about how our designs would look if they were the size of badges for example.
We introduced different concepts to the logo such as: Shape of the letters RATS The tail of the rat A building The contrast Broad lines Colour
We sent our designs to Chris and he worked up 8 of them We sent our designs to Chris and he worked up 8 of them. Here are the first four.
Here are the other 4. We then voted for our favourites.
We ended up with three possibilities.