Copy Transform Combine Presentation of research and ideas By Kyle Alford
The contexts My Copy/trans/comb scene will be planned and produced following my contextual influences which I have chosen for my scene. My research contexts are: Target Audience Dialogue Facial expressions These are what my chosen scenes will revolve around, primarily looking at dialogue & facial expressions and seeing what they do within scenes.
Scene One: Pursuit of Happyness I have chosen this scene from The Pursuit of Happyness (2007). In this scene we see Christopher (Will Smith) sitting in the train station with his son (Jaden Smith). This scene from the film is one of my favourites. What I love about this scene is how the dialogue is used to create effect on the audience. When Christopher Jr. (Jaden Smith) asks his father about the computer being a time machine, his Father replies to his son that it is a time machine and that they have time travelled to the Jurassic period where there are dinosaurs walking around. I love how the dialogue is used to show the father’s attempt to take his son away from their dire situation and into the world of imagination. He then uses this to get his son into the toilets where they then must sleep because they’re homeless.
The scene
Scene Two: Grown Ups (2010) There is a scene from the film where the guys are talking about a game they used to play when they were younger called ‘Arrow-roulette’. I chose this scene because it does a good job at explaining what I like about the film and giving a visualisation for my context and how the characters talk about how it used to be for them growing up together. The other reason is during the part where the guys are playing arrow roulette in the forest. The adrenaline, happiness and fear from the characters is purposely made evident in this scene. This dangerous game was something that they used to do as kids, so playing it again is nostalgic for them and they are having a good time, but they also know it is stupid and dangerous, which makes it even more fun.
What I like about the scene: https://www. youtube. com/watch The part where they’re planning arrow roulette. What I like about this scene is how they have dedicated the focus of the shots around detailing the facial expressions of the characters. I like how this was done using shots which show how the characters are in fear of the arrow. The use of slow motion within the shot also gives the audience time to take in what’s happening. All this builds up tension which is released at the end when the arrow lands on!-…
Scene Three: The Blind Side (2009) The Blind Side (2009) is a great film and is one of my favourites. The Blind Side is popular for showing truth and evoking emotion from the audience through its depiction of the tragic early life of Michael Oher during his late teens, when he was taken in by a higher classed family. Although I love the entire film there is a specific scene that I’ve chosen because it’s relevant in my context of dialogue and facial expressions…
The scene I really like this scene, it is emotional for Leigh Anne when she is introducing Michael into his bedroom for the first time. She is clearly pleased with her efforts and wants to make Michael happy. When Michael replies asking, ‘Is this mine?’ she replies saying yes and then Michael says; Michael Oher: Never had one before. Leigh Anne Touhy: What, a room to yourself? Michael Oher: A bed. The dialogue and facial expressions are paired together in this scene which for me, makes it what it is. The facial expression on Leigh Anne is of heartbreak and the expression on Michael’s face is happiness. I love how this shows the audience just how even though they live together, their expectations, appreciations are on different levels. At first Leigh Anne is joking around with Michael saying, ‘A room to yourself?’ and Michael replying ‘A bed’. This short and effective communication part of the scene is used to show the reality and lifestyle of Michael and how Leigh Anne really had no idea, just to how bad the lives of people who lived in the same as her really are.
Scene Four: The Inbetweeners (2008) The Inbetweeners is a British comedy. It’s a production I have looked at before when doing my Target Audience study on this show. The scene is from the TV series of The Inbetweeners where we see the group of friends Jay, Simon, Neil and William playing frisbee at the park.
The Scene: I picked this scene for its shots which are used to build up tension, like the scene I chose of the arrow roulette in Grown Ups (2010). The 0:37 mark of the scene is when Will throws the frisbee, and when the tension begins to build up. I like how as soon as the frisbee is thrown the following shots are all positioned at the faces of the boys, showing their faces as they before they realise what is about to happen. The pictures above act as tracking shots of the frisbee, by showing where the characters are looking, the scene can tell the audience that the frisbee is flying without having to show up and can instead focus on the characters. I like how they used the same angles and order to show the reaction of the characters when they realise that the frisbee is going to hit the girl. It does a good job of showing how their reactions have suddenly changed from the opposing threat of the frisbee hitting the girl.
Copy, transform and combine scene Revealing shot of a group of friends playing at the park. We see them clearly. An Over-the-shoulder shot of one of the friends throwing the ball to his friend in the distance. A medium close-up of them catching the ball. They begin to talk to their friend who through the ball. They throw the ball to their other friend (introducing them into the scene.) A Low-angle shot of him holding the ball. (He makes a proposition) “I bet £10 that if I throw this ball far enough you won’t be able catch it in time”. An ECU of the his face, he is smirking. The shot fades into a close-up of friend A, he gulps in fear. The camera does a swift pan away from his face. Another Swift pan, this time landing on Friend B (to connect the shots). Friend B says “It’s on”. Friend C throws the ball as far as possible. An upwards shot of the ball taking off. Close-up of friend A who looks right, towards friend B. The camera does a pan friend A to B. Shot from the distance, of both, friends A and B running into the distance. Slow motion shot of Friend A running (High angle). Slow motion shot of Friend B running.