Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Notebook: Daily Quote: Objective: Agenda: English 9 Notebook: Inside the Actor’s Studio Questionnaire Daily Quote: “Yesterday was great. But tomorrow, one would think, should be better. If nothing else, we should try.” Anthony Bourdain Objective: Welcome to our class for the 2014-2015 school year! Agenda: Welcome to High School English 9 Expectations Is College Worth It? ITAS Questionnaire YOU ARE LOOKING AT TODAY’S TOPIC IS WE ARE CURRENTLY HERE Mr. McGregor WELCOME TO FLUSHING HIGH SCHOOL 1 of 7 TEACHER
Inside the Actors Studio Questionnaire 1. What is your favorite word? 2. What is your least favorite word? 3. What turns you on/inspires you? 4. What turns you off/repulses you? 5. What sound do you love? 7. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? 8. What profession would you not like to do? 9. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? YOU ARE LOOKING AT TODAY’S TOPIC IS WE ARE CURRENTLY HERE Mr. McGregor WHAT MAKES YOU TICK? 1a of 7 TEACHER
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Notebook: Daily Quote: Objective: Agenda: English 9 Notebook: Remember, you must have a composition book by Monday! Daily Quote: “Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” Albus Dumbledore Objective: Understand the rules and expectations for the class Agenda: Syllabus About Me/About the Class YOU ARE LOOKING AT TODAY’S TOPIC IS WE ARE CURRENTLY HERE Mr. McGregor WELCOME TO MY CLASS 2 of 7 TEACHER
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Notebook: Daily Quote: Objective: Agenda: English 9 Notebook: Your Curriculum Daily Quote: “Upon us all a little rain must fall. It’s just a little rain.” Led Zeppelin Objective: Examine your life and determine the most important events Many of these events will be expanded upon in the coming weeks! Agenda: Writer’s Notebook Your Curriculum Soundtrack to Your Life Introduction YOU ARE LOOKING AT TODAY’S TOPIC IS WE ARE CURRENTLY HERE Mr. McGregor THE SOUNDTRACK OF YOUR LIFE 3 of 7 TEACHER
Friday, September 11, 2015 Notebook: Daily Quote: Objective: Agenda: English 9 Notebook: Three Scraps of Paper Daily Quote: “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before staring to improve the world.” Anne Frank Objective: Examine your life and determine the major events We will be expanding upon these in the coming weeks! Agenda: Soundtrack of Your Life Due Monday! YOU ARE LOOKING AT TODAY’S TOPIC IS WE ARE CURRENTLY HERE Mr. McGregor SOUNDTRACK OF YOUR LIFE AND PERSONAL NARRATIVE INTRO 4 of 7 TEACHER