70% earned for Upenders dues per ticket— so $7 each single sale FootballMania 70% earned for Upenders dues per ticket— so $7 each single sale
How to sell tickets Primary focus is the online sales component. Every gymnast (or family) should create their own personalized fundraising page. Sign up is simple—go to www.charitymania.com/register/C704C After signing up, reach out to family and friends through social media and word of mouth. They can they buy their tickets directly on your site and then you don’t have to worry about collecting money.
How to sell tickets You can also sell paper game cards in addition to online sales. This might be a great option for selling to neighbors or families from another sport or activity of your child (or your other children). Paper game cards can be picked up from me tonight or the office in the future. You don’t have to prepay for tickets-just bring back ticket stubs and money for those sold, and whole card if not sold.
How to sell tickets Bought game piece stubs must be brought back to Upenders no later than October 27 so I can make sure they are activated for full sweepstakes promotion. Tickets can be sold (paper or electronically) after this and they will be eligible for prizes for any weeks left in the sweepstakes.
How FootballMania works We are officially selling downloadable music. (Over $10 worth of digital music) Along with the purchase, buyers get the promotional sweepstakes game card for free. receiving an entry into the sweepstakes. Each ticket is 10 weeks worth of entries.
How FootballMania works Each card contains 3 random football teams for each of the last 10 weeks of regular season (different combo of teams each week). Add up points of your three teams every week. If your score is in top 25 of all sales (nationally), you win! If your score is bottom 5, you also win! Two grand prizes awarded at end of season. PLUS…………..
How FootballMania works We are participating in the Guaranteed Winners’ Program which means that we are guaranteed one winner each week from the tickets Upenders sells. So if none of the tickets in our group are in the top 25 or bottom 5, then the highest scoring cards will win a prize.
How to know if you win Track results at www.charitymania.com Download FootballMania app to your phone to see results. Even if you, or those you sell to, don’t check the tickets, CharityMania will contact the winners.
For more information You can go to www.charitymania.com/videos/FM10-10 to watch short overview Go to www.charitymania.com for other basic information so you feel comfortable selling cards. Also, there are selling guides (with wording you might use), rules, and form for free game cards. Contact me at 443-310-1428 (cell) or ksk4you@aol.com