reporter: Erk JENSEN/CERN Report from Parallel Session IIa Energy efficiency/recovery/optimization reporter: Erk JENSEN/CERN
Session IIa, Fri. 8:30 – 10:30 Energy efficiency/recovery/optimization Mike Seidel (PSI) Energy efficient technologies for accelerators – an EuCARD-2 effort Michele Modena (CERN) Advancements and perspectives on compact and low consumption magnet design for future accelerators Carlos A. Martins (ESS) High efficiency pulsed power converters for the ESS accelerator
Energy efficient technologies for accelerators – EuCARD 2 Mike Seidel (PSI)
Network Acvitity EnEfficient, Eucard-2 EnEfficient: WP3, networking activity to stimulate developments, support accelerator projects, thesis studies etc. task 1: energy recovery from cooling circuits, Th.Parker, A.Lundmark (ESS) task 2: higher electronic efficiency RF power generation, E.Jensen (CERN) task 3: short term energy storage systems, R.Gehring (KIT) task 4: virtual power plant, J.Stadlmann (GSI) task 5: beam transfer channels with low power consumption, P.Spiller (GSI) links to all workshops on Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Example: PSI Facility, 10MW n: per beamline: 1013s-1@ 10eV ≈ 20µW neutrons public grid ca. 10MW RF Systems 4.1MW Beam on targets 1.3MW muons +: per beamline 5·108s-1 @ 30MeV/c ≈ 300µW optimization includes not only the accelerator, but also secondary radiation conversion efficiency secondary radiation transport and brightness at experiment signal to noise ratio instrument efficiency an overall optimization should be done. Magnets 2.6MW aux.Systems Instruments 3.3MW applies to many facilities: light source, FEL n, µ, source particle collider heat to river, to air cryogenics Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Heat Recovery Workshop, Lund, March 2014 [Th.Parker, E.Lindström, ESS] Participants (Experts) from DESY, ALBA, SOLEIL, ESS, MAX-4, PSI, DAFNE, ISIS (institutes) E.ON, Kraftringen, Lund municipality (industry, local authorities) lab survey on consumption and heat recovery heat recovery works for many facilities; high temperatures beneficial local heat distribution system required greenhouses present interesting application (non-linear scaling) new facilities MAX-4 and ESS foresee heat recovery on large scale talks: Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Efficient RF Generation and Beam Acceleration RF generation efficiency is key for many accelerator applications, especially high intensity machines topics at workshop: klystron development multi beam IOT (ESS) magnetrons high Q s.c. cavities CPI: multi-beam IOT E2V: magnetron THALES: multi-beam klystron workshop EnEfficient RF sources: SIEMENS: solid state amplifier THALES: TETRODE Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Energy Management strong variations of supply by wind and sun energy even today strong variation by varying load on grid consider „dynamic operation“ of accelerators, depending on supply situation (challenging, loss of efficiency) consider options to store energy on site (expensive, evolving technology) economy depends on supply volatility and cost of energy Germany Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Outlook: workshop in Feb/16, PSI Proton Drivers with high intensity for Neutron, Muon, Neutrino production workshop: comprehensive consideration of efficiency from Grid to secondary beam at experiment/application topics: beam intensity demand for particle physics, structure of matter physics target efficiency, conversion to secondary radiation accelerator concepts, RF sources + accelerating structures typical aux. systems, cryogenics, conventional cooling Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
A new Eucard program is planned for 2017-21 Summary With scarcity of resources and climate change Energy Efficiency becomes important for accelerator projects Eucard-2/EnEfficient studies heat recovery, RF systems, cavities, magnets, E management A new Eucard program is planned for 2017-21 Links to all activities: Mike Seidel (PSI): Energy efficient technologies for accelerators
Advancement and Perspectives of Compact and Low Consumption magnet design Michele Modena (CERN)
High efficiency pulsed power converters for the ESS accelerator Two examples reported: 1) Pulsed klystron modulators 2) Pulsed quadrupole magnets Carlos Martins European Spallation Source Davide Castronovo, Roberto Visintini Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
ESS Klystron modulator – Stacked Multi-Level (SML) topology Improved efficiency (~92%), due to minimal number of conversion stages; Good AC grid power quality (constant power absorption = flicker-free operation, sinusoidal current absorption, unitary power factor); 3.5ms pulse Magenta: HV output pulse; Yellow: LV input voltage; Green: LV input current Idea: option to integrate PV – Skåne: 60% of Sahara Pulse (1kV) AC line voltage AC line current Unitary power factor; Sinusoidal line current, constant amplitude -> No flicker A yearly energy of 3.4 MW-Year could be collected from such a field. ≈ 1/3 of total
Magnets & PC System Optimization Linac Warm Units (LWU) and M&PC “Single Pass Machine” is “DC mode” really needed? Is “Pulsed Mode” a feasible alternative? Advantages? Disadvantages? Magnets and their associated PC are the two sides of a system Optimization involves magnets AND power converters together DC vs. Pulsed Complexity/costs vs. simplification/spares Let’s consider the Linac Warm Units of ESS. The accelerator is a single pass one. Particles are emitted at 14 Hz rate, therefore, is DC mode really needed? The consequence is to verify if a “pulsed solution” is possible and which are the constraints on the pulse shape and period. And, from this considerations analyse and compare pros and cons. Quite obvious, indeed. For the specific case, magnets and power converters are the two halves of a single system. Any optimization process – technical and economical – involve both at the same time. DC and pulsed modes act in opposition on magnets and power converters. DC mode bring some complications with the magnets, for example the water cooling and simplify the structure of the power converters. Conversely the pulsed mode could simplify the magnets (e.g. air cooling) and complicate the power converters. Optimization is a matter of weighting the complexity and costs increase on one dish with the simplification and the economical and maintenance spares on the other.
Operating Mode, Cooling LWU* Magnets and Power Converters Magnet Type Description Operating Mode, Cooling Quantity N. of PC Q5 Quadrupole magnet Pulsed, Air-cooled 26 C5 Dual-plane corrector magnet DC, Air-cooled 13 Q6 95 C6 55 110 Q7 12 D1 Vertical dipole magnet DC, Water-cooled 2 1 Q8 6 C8 4 8 This is the list of magnets in the LWU. The quadrupole types Q5, Q6 and Q7 are the more numerous and are involved in the study while the others can be DC. *LWU = Linac Warm Unit 90% of the ESS accelerator quadrupole magnets changed from DC to pulsed
Possible pulse waveform The transit time of the particle beam is 2.86 ms every 71.4 ms → a 4 ms-long flat-top is sufficient For the pulsed excitation, the following waveform has been considered: Trapezoidal, 4.5 ms rise/fall, 4 ms flat-top, 14 Hz repetition rate (71.4 ms period) Current Pulse [4.5 – 4 – 4.5] ms Here it is the studied waveform. We extended the study also to a little more relaxed one, 8 ms of rise time instead of 4.5 ms. We will explain the reason for this later.
Q6 Magnet: DC vs. Pulsed (Air Cooled) Turns per pole = 24 I@GMax = 435A IRMS@GMax = 137A PMag = 0.21kW LMag = 8.2 mH VPK = 0.79 kV Pulsed (*) DC Turns per pole = 78 I@GMax = 134 A IRMS@GMax = 134 A PMag = 2.62 kW VMAX = 20 V Q6 3D model of Q6 quad, pulsed Taking into account the two most interesting solutions for both Q6 and Q7 (DC means water-cooled), we evaluate here the differences among the models. It is clear how the pulsed solution has a very low power consumption compared to the DC one. While Q6 peak voltage in the pulsed case is well below 1 kV, Q7 is very closed to this limit. In order to reduce the peak voltage, a possible solution is to relax the pulse, increasing the rise and fall times. In this way, since we are less sensitive to magnet inductance, it is possible to increase for both models the number of turns: the required gradient is obtained with a lower peak current (*) Rise time 4.5 ms, flat top time 4 ms and fall time 4.5 ms Electrical energy consumption of pulsed magnets reduced by a factor of 10 wrt DC magnets
Conclusions ●○ Compared several design for magnets Q6 and Q7, both in DC and Pulsed DC is a standard, well-known solution: Power consumption 2.4 kW for each QC6; 3.5 kW for each QC7 Water cooling of magnets de-ionized water plant,… “Low Power” but stable power supplies (~5 kW) Pulsed excitation is a less common solution: Power consumption significantly more efficient than DC Air cooling of magnets no piping, etc. but heat to environment High peak output voltage risk of exceeding 1 kV (design & operations) Shape of the pulse is important (e.g. rise time: 8.0 ms vs. 4.5 ms) The total cost of pulsed magnets are slightly lower than of DC magnets Our conclusions can be summarized as follow. Adopting the DC solution, means following a well known standard, at the cost of significantly higher power dissipation in the magnets and the need of water cooling with the drawbacks I’ve just mention. The power supplies are low power ones but require a stability higher than commercial standard. The pulsed excitation is a less common solution that brings some remarkable positive effects, in terms of power consumption and air cooling requirements. For this, one has to take into account higher peak voltages and pay attention on the shape of the pulse. Since these issues are controllable I’ve not marked them as real drawbacks.