The Red Tower (1913) Giorgia de Chirico
SURREALISM “…a perfectly unbelievable story recounted to readers with such a hallucinatory logic that one has the impression that this same story can happen to you tomorrow.”
The Elephant Celebes Max Ernst (1921)
SURREALISM Surreal: Producing fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in literature by means of unnatural or irrational juxtapositions and combinations.
Surrealism in The Things They Carried The death of Ted Lavender: The suddenness of Ted’s death in the midst of the celebration of Lee Strunk’s emergence from the tunnel. The death of Curt Lemon: Recounted 4 times – each a little differently.
This Is Not A Pipe Rene Magritte (1929)
The Persistence Of Memory Salvador Dali (1931)
The Metamorphosis of Narcissus Salvador Dali (1937)
Characteristics of Surrealism in Literature: Details are emphasized with clarity Hypersensitive state of mind Incident pregnant with symbols Profound meaning in everything – even if it’s not immediately evident Blur between memory and imagination; between reality and fantasy Truths are contradictory Distorted perspective
Reply To Red Yves Tanguy (1943)
The Son of Man Rene Magritte (1964)