Round Table Discussion – The Future of Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics NuFact 2017 Uppsala, Sweden September 25th, 2017
The Panel Prof. André De Gouvêa, Northwestern University Prof. John Womersley, ESS Dr. Miao He, IHEP Prof. Takashi Kobayashi, KEK Prof. Tord Ekelöf, University of Uppsala Chair: Prof. Dave Wark, Oxford/RAL
Some questions for the future. . . We look like we are headed for a world with T2K(II) and NOvA followed by JUNO, DUNE, and Hyper Kamiokande (as well as IceCube and ORCA and searches for steriles…). In light of that, what other (if any) major facilities will be needed and what should we be doing to prepare?
Some questions for the future. . . The process of the next European Strategy for Particle Physics is already beginning to stir into life. The last one had a major impact on the direction of neutrino physics: What actions should we as a community be taking to prepare for the next one? If we decide we need s’s from NuStorm@CERN, this is probably our last chance.
Some questions for the future. . . The sensitivity of both DUNE and Hyper Kamiokande will be greatly enhanced by achieving significant improvements in our understanding of systematics. Will this require construction of other stand-alone experiments, such as a High-Pressure TPC? What about a new generation of hadron production experiments? If an entirely new experiment is needed it will be a major effort and this community needs to support it for the upcoming CERN strategy.