HOLA tests: Chicago BER with >2.5E15 bits (~8 weeks of running) No errors Simultaneously reading out from both channels 7 db attenuators on all 4 fibers XOFF exercised from both channels Disconnect FTK fiber -> no effect on DAQ link TODO: BER with 8db, 9db, 10db
HOLA tests: CERN ~2 days with the Pixel ROD. One overnight run. Simultaneous readout from two ROL's Both ROLs on the same ROS PC Verified that XOFF is working. When FTK ROL is disconnected, both links fail. We think this is due to memory corruption on the ROS PC due to garbage coming from FTK channel. ~1 day with the SCT ROD, paused due to ROD- BOC failure following crate power cycle. TODO: dual-channel readout with FTK ROL on a separate PC (or Alberto's mezzanine)