William Eggleston When: 1969-70 Where: Mississippi How: The photographer has carefully composed this image to tell a story. The Photographer has also stood at an angle to get this image to capture a wide view of the scenery while keeping it all in focus. Why: William Eggleston has took an image of his uncle an his assistant. The way William has positioned his uncle in front of his assistant is to show that Williams uncle Is more important and that his assistant is When:1975 Where: Memphis, Tennessee How: William Eggleston has had the women lay down on to the Grass with an old camera. There is slight depth of field in this image On the ladies dress and by her hair the image is not as sharp as the rest of the photo. Why: There is no importance of this image it is just a women laying on grass while having a camera as a prop.
When:1970 Where: Jackson, Mississippi How: William Eggleston has taken this image by having his cousin sit on an old sofa and Pose. William Eggleston has a lot of pattern in this image due to him using that sofa which is Colorful and eye catching while the women is also dressed in a colorful bold dress. Over all this Image is busy due to William Eggleston using the the bright patterns and making them the key focus in the image. Why: The story behind this image is William Eggleston capturing a family portrait but its not your Traditional family portrait due to the surroundings of the image the sofa is rusty and falling apart there are dead leaves which show the environment isn't maintained this image is far from your usual family portrait. When:1973-4 Where: Nightclub How: William Eggleston has positioned the women head on the women looks bored and out of place. William has used some sort of flash as the background is dark while she has a soft glow on her skin. William Eggleston has also made her the main focus of this image by having her in the centre. Why: William Eggleston has taken this image in the time that he worked as a nightclub photographer. The women looks far from happy due to her posture an her facial expression.
When: 1965-9 Where: Unknown How: William eggleston has taken this image in a decisive moment as the women looks on edge And uncomfortable as she looks into the camera, Meanwhile the man is walking with his jacket off Which makes me feel this was taken at a decisive moment. Why: I think William Eggleston has captured this image to show how there was conflict between races in this time due to the women's facial expressions. There is no sort of eye contact between the male and female which makes me think that this was around the time that black people dint Communicate with the white people and vice versa.