Images on screen the write the script in these comments
Justin Bieber FAQs Born in Canada Discovered by Usher at age 13 Most searched person on the internet 38 Magazine Covers Sold 25 million Purpose albums worldwide “Baby” stayed on Billboard charts 317 weeks If you have two lines per bullet then you should only have 4 bullets If you have a single line per bullet then you can have 6 Never show all of the bullets on the screen at the same time, have one come in at a time. Hihlight bullets Click animation tab Reorder Effect options Star: on click Speed: very fast Dim: to light grey (DO this to all)
Purpose Mark My Words 2:14 I’ll Show You 3:19 What Do You Mean? 3:25 Sorry 3:20 Love Yourself 3:53 Company 3:28 No Pressure 4:46 No Sense 4:35 The Feeling 4:04 Life Is Worth Living 3:54 Where Are U Now 4:03 Children 3:43 Purpose 3:30 Been You 3:19 Get Used To Me 3:58 We Are 3:22 Trust 3:23 All In It 3:51
Awards Won Debut Album City of Origin Artist Stratford, Ontario Justin Bieber 140 Tappahannock, Virginia Chris Brown 190 Do not type directly into each cell Have to have 16 different elements Artist: thumbnail of logo or artisit in this column 3rd column: thumbnail of first record or album Justin Timberlake 121 Memphis, Tennessee