THE SIMPLEST WAY TO SAVE ENERGY! X Easy, no effort and coefficient
WHY LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN ANYWAY? CLOSE THE DOOR AND SAVE ENERGY! Keep your doors closed inside to contain heat to the rooms you’re in. We have discovered that if we were to close every door in the school the amount of energy We could save due to the heat not escaping would be tremendous. WHY LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN ANYWAY? Because rooms are to confined, hot, stuffy and sweltering? Lower the temperature then. If we were to lower the temperature in every single room 2-5 degrees we could save an accumulation of energy. Plus closing the door we could save even more energy. It’s a double win.
Prove Trying to find further information of this matter we went around the school and counted the amount of doors open and closed to see what how big the sum of ‘wasting energy’ is.
9/10/12 RESULTS: DOORS OPEN: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 35 DOORS WERE OPEN! DOORS CLOSED: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17 DOORS WERE CLOSED 35/52 doors open. 68% 17/52 doors closed 32%
Prove Too go further into our investigation and prove the point of how much heat and energy we are wasting we decided too take a thermometer and find the room temperature with the door open and closed so we can estimate how much heat we are actually wasting.
Temperatures Classroom door closed = approximately 22*C Classroom door open = approximately 21.7*C So the difference between the open door and the closed door is 0.3 C If 35 doors were open in total we are wasting an estimation of 17.5 C not too forget, constantly.
What can we do? Our conclusion is that most of the doors in the schools are open, well what can we do about that? The answer is palpable and easy. Have the doors close automatically. It doesn’t take much effort and endeavor. It is easy to accomplish and if we were to do that in every room we could save more then 70 degrees Celsius per day.