2016-2017 Academic Year Overview NWEA – MAP Assessments 2016-2017 Academic Year Overview
Agenda NWEA Testing Windows Use of SchoolNet for 2016-2017 SchoolNet and NWEA New Reports Instruction Resources Linkage with Ohio's State Tests Agenda
2016 –2017 MAP Testing Windows Fall Window Winter Window Spring Window September 6 – September 30 Weeks 4-8 of Instruction Grades 1 - 10 November 28 – December 15 Weeks 17 – 19 of Instruction Grades K - 10 March 1 – March 10 Weeks 28 & 29 of Instruction Grades K - 10
SchoolNet & Assessments 2016-2017 SchoolNet --> Org. Accountability --> Department of Assessments & Testing Updates / Revisions General Information Assessment Announcements Testing Calendar – SY and FY Assessment Descriptions Description / Purpose Main Contact Data Availability / How to Use Results Commonly Used Forms Test Incident Report Form Building Testing Contact Information Sheet Documents Section / Links Section for each Assessment SchoolNet & Assessments 2016-2017
Scores will be loaded into SchoolNet after each window closes SchoolNet - NWEA Page under Outreach--> Org. Accountability--> Department of Assessments & Testing contains: Proctoring / Administration Info Proctor Tips & Troubleshooting document Student Prep / Calculator Practice Link to Calculator tool Link to College Explorer tool Accommodation Info MAP Normative & Comparative Data NWEA Documents & NWEA Links Report Descriptions Videos explaining how to run reports and how they can be used to inform instruction NWEA & SchoolNet
Achievement Status & Growth Summary – What's the RIT score Achievement Status & Growth Summary – What's the RIT score? Are students showing growth? How does it compare to norms? Shows three pictures of growth, all based on national norms: projections so you can set student growth goals, summary comparison of two terms so you can evaluate efforts, and an interactive quadrant chart so you can visualize growth comparisons. Class Breakdown by RIT / Goal – What subject areas are class strengths? Areas of improvement? What instructional grouping should be set? Shows at a glance the academic diversity of a class across basic subject areas so you can modify and focus the instruction for each student. Direct link to Learning Continuum by Class. Class Breakdown by Proficiency – How do students' RIT scores show the likelihood of success on high stakes tests? NWEA Reports Click HERE to see videos on how to run reports and analyze data
Achievement Status & Growth Summary
Class Breakdown by RIT
Class Breakdown by Goal
NWEA – Learning Continuum
Student Progress Report – How has the student progressed over time Student Progress Report – How has the student progressed over time? What is the projected growth compared to norms? Should the projected be the goal or should we set a different goal? Shows a student's overall progress from all past terms to the selected term so you can communicate about the student's term-to-term growth. Student Goal Setting Worksheet - One tool for student-led conferences Shows a student's test history and growth projections in the selected subject areas for a specific period of time so you can discuss the student's goals and celebrate achievements. New – Student Profile What it is now - One screen student overview What is it becoming – Growth tracker over time; batch printing NWEA Reports
Student Progress Report
Student Goal Setting Worksheet
Student Profile Color coded tabs indicate percentile Growth Goals open another screen to adjust goals Instructional Areas will flag suggested areas of focus
Student Profile Growth Goals
NWEA – Skills Navigator NEW – College Explorer Resources
Skills Navigator
Using info from Learning Continuum or Student Profile set a Skills Locator to identify skills that need work
Resources with links identified for assignment to student
Click HERE to go to College Explorer tool College Explorer – Enter RIT scores as early as 5th grade to see colleges based on median ACT Click HERE to go to College Explorer tool
Clicking on a college in the map gives an academic profile of the institution