McMurray Leadership Team 2017-2018 McMurray Students go above and beyond to make our school a great place!
We are Leaders!
LEADERS SHOW: Responsibility Respect Honesty Caring
We are Leaders!
Leadership Habits! Responsible- Takes Initiative Plan Ahead- Set Goals Follow My Plan- Keep organized Be Considerate- Everyone can win Listen First- then speak Work Well With Others Care for Myself and Care for Others
How to achieve your goal? We are Leaders! Your Goal? How to achieve your goal?
Everyone can Lead! We work together to: Beautify our school-Ideas Raise funds for important causes Help others Be and Entrepreneur
Make Our School A Beautiful Place! Beautify our halls and windows! Ideas Ideas
We Will Go Above and Beyond! Peters Township Community Food Bank
KDKA Turkey Fund Fundraiser Last year, McMurray students donated $2400 . With matching funds from PNC Bank, we raised over $4800 to help others have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Volunteers needed for Oct. 24 and Oct. 26-Open House! Help Others in Our Community!
KDKA Turkey Fund Fundraiser-Nov. 1-17 Volunteers Needed: Make Posters Announcements for News Bulletin Boards - Update Work Days: Monday, Oct. 30 After School - 3:30-4:30 Note from home to stay Wednesday, Nov. 1 Before School – 8:15-8:45 Help Others in Our Community!
The Young Entrepreneur Leadership group is teaming up with Junior Achievement to provide additional support and enrichment for our young leaders. Junior Achievement is a nationwide organization that has volunteer-delivered programs to foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills. Junior Achievement uses experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential. The program McMurray Young Entrepreneurs will participate in is called JA It’s My Business!
Young Entrepreneurs Learn about starting a company Make a product Use your talents Sell your product at the Arts Festival Proceeds benefit charity
Leadership is leading others to do the right thing! Leaders set good examples on the bus, at recess, in the classroom and with your friends!
Help make our school a great place. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Helen Keller
McM Group Leadership Meeting Hope to see you there! Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017 8:15 AM Library McM Group Leadership Meeting
Sign-up Sign-in Full name Homeroom # How you want to participate?