English III Unit 4 Day 8--
Welcome back ! Have out charts! Do-now: Quiz on introductory/interrupter commas tomorrow. Mayra who spoke at the meeting today is a big supporter of our cause. Mayra, who spoke at the meeting today, is a big supporter of our cause. She was however hesitant at first to join. She was, however, hesitant at first to join. In December she decided that it was the right thing to do though. In December, she decided that it was the right thing to do, though. In the end she was glad she did. In the end, she was glad she did.
Prayer Period 2: Gaby, Period 4: Guisell, Period 6: Angel, Wed: Ms. Stitt Period 4: Guisell, Wed: Juan Period 6: Angel, Wed: Myrianna Period 7: Ms. Stitt, Wed: Ogo, Fri: Stephanie Prayer
Announcements: Bring Crucible books in (or Enrique’s Journey if you have it still….)! AUDIO VERSION OF GATSBY: Listen as you read! http://esl-bits.net/ESL.English.Learning.Audiobooks/Great.Gatsby/Ch1- 1/default.html Journals (free writes) due Tuesday, March 3rd Check out school newspaper! crpumapress.com
TIP OF THE DAY TIP #19: On essays, write as if the person is reading your essay hasn’t read the book you’re discussing. Introduce characters: Abigail, a young girl who was caught dancing in the woods, was scared for her life because dancing was strictly prohibited. Introduce situations: Because she didn’t want to get in trouble for dancing, she decided to blame someone else instead. Abby decides to blame Tituba, saying, “…”
SWBAT: Compare the book of Gatsby to the movie version Explain Nick’s view of Gatsby
Review: Why does Nick call Jordan “incurably dishonest”? How does he feel about this? What do we learn about Nick from his explanation of his feelings about Jordan’s dishonesty? Who are the main characters in the book and what do we know about them? What are the main events that have happened so far?
Movie Clip: We’ll watch chapter 1 today, and chapter 3 tomorrow (0- 17:00) Write three things that are different from the book and the movie. Write at least two things that are clarified from watching the movie.
Think Alouds Out Loud You will be in groups of 4. Begin reading at the bottom of p. 63 at “At nine o’clock…” In your think alouds, focus on the following question: What does Nick think of Gatsby? How do you know? Also, use the normal think-aloud strategies and name the strategy you use: Confusion Visualization Character Important Point Connection (T-S, T-W, T-T)
HW: Read to p. 74 List 2-3 reasons that Gatsby might have brought Nick to lunch with him and Wolfsheim. Use 2-3 quotes to back up your reasoning. What makes you think your reasoning is correct? Exit: Tell me a summary sentence or two that describes what you understood from your think-alouds today.