Future of Local Government National Summit 25 – 26 May 2017
Welcome and Introduction Mary Lalios, MAV President Gilbert Rochecoust, Founder of Village Well
Setting the Scene: The Future of Local Government journey to date - John Hennessy, MAV The Finishing Line is in sight: we need a New Story - Gilbert Rochecouste, Founder of Village Well Fostering a culture of innovation - Jacyl Shaw, Carlton Connect Initiative The Future of Community Engagement – Joel Stanton, MiVote Shaping and Selling a ‘New Australian Localism’ - Graham Sansom, University of Technology
Describe what LG’s most important characteristics should be in 2025 To strengthen its position in the Australian Federal system, LG needs to… Have your say!
Morning tea
Transforming Local Government Dr Jonathan Carr-West CEO, The Local Government Information Unit (UK)
What is the new story? What is role/vision of local government in the new story? Plenary discussion
The importance of learning how to be community-led and place-based Lucinda Hartley, Co-founder, CoDesign Studio Tracey O’Connor, Senior Project Officer, Whitehorse City Council
City-Charrette 2040: Future= Past + Now Jacyl Shaw, Director, Engagement Renee Beale, Creative Community Animator, Carlton Connect Initiative (CCI)
Afternoon tea
The Better Way: less local government and more local governance David Hammond Director, Hammond Robertson and former CEO, Director, Hammond Robertson and former CEO, Thames-Coromandel Council (NZ)
The New Story: Plenary discussion What are the vision and 3-5 key principles underlying the New Story? What is Local Government’s distinctive role and contribution to a ‘Federation of Communities and Places’ (a drawing might help!) What are the initial 3-5 steps to transition to the New Story?
Networking drinks and light refreshments
Future of Local Government National Summit 25 – 26 May 2017
The Manifesto is launched
Placemaking: The Better Way. Yes, we can!’ Gilbert Rochecouste Founder of Village Well
How greater devolution can enhance place- based and community-based governance Dr Mike Reid Principal Policy Advisor, Local Government New Zealand
Morning tea
How can LG achieve greater devolution of power and influence? Plenary discussion
The New Digital Age can deliver for communities but it needs collaboration and innovation Martijn Schroder Digital Transformation Manager, City of Ballarat
How can we fast track collaboration between Councils to benefit communities?
Transforming Local Government Dr Jonathan Carr-West , CEO, The Local Government Information Unit (UK) Graham Sansom, University of Technology
Transitioning to the 2020s: Implementing the New Story Transitioning to the 2020s: Implementing the New Story. Creating a movement: action to create Learning Sites around Australia: yes, we can!
So, what has been achieved and is it sufficiently ‘wow’? Gilbert Rochecouste, Village Well Jacyl Shaw, Carlton Connect Initiative Graham Sansom, University of Technology Dr Jonathan Carr-West, The Local Government Information Unit (UK)
The Manifesto and the Light on the Hill and the way forward
Conference close