Algebra Nation A free powerful algebra tool
Our Vision Students are more excited about and interested in mathematics and STEM careers Students are confident in their abilities to pass the End-of-Course exam Mathematics is accessible and relatable to all students
Teachers Want: Engaging, 100% standards-aligned digital resources accessible within and beyond their classrooms Print complement to digital resources Tutoring and homework help for all students Additional practice problems that mirror the End-of-Course exam Everything available on the web and mobile devices
Record of Success 100% of Florida’s school districts use Algebra Nation (no state mandate) Improvement in End-of-Course exam pass rates for schools utilizing the program Algebra Nation helps all students: gender, race, economic status Expanded to Michigan, Mississippi, Alabama, and now South Carolina
1. 5. 3. 4. 2.
1. Standards-Aligned Videos and Workbooks 24/7 access 100% aligned to South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards Conceptually based with local and culturally relevant examples Students choose tutor based on learning style and preference
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2. Homework Help with Algebra Wall Continuously moderated by Study Experts Students post questions to receive help from peers and expert instructors Students incentivized for helping by earning Karma Points - monthly prizes awarded to top earners
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3. Test-Yourself! Practice Tool Simulates Algebra 1 End-of-Course Exam 500+ question bank Immediate feedback
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4. On-Ramp to Algebra Tool Adaptive diagnostic learning tool Prepares students for Algebra 1 through tailored remediation pathways Dynamically assesses student understanding of pre-algebra and foundational math concepts Provides instant prescriptive feedback for teachers and students
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5. Teacher Area Additional teaching resources available Teacher Wall connects teachers across South Carolina to share best practices, resources, and ideas Access to reports on student usage at the individual, class, and school levels
**Test Yourself! And On-Ramp are not available on cell phones.
Flexibility of Algebra Nation Substitute teachers After-school support (homework help, boot camps) Whole-class instruction Differentiated instruction Projector, computer lab, 1:1 devices Flipped classroom Teacher training