ISO/IOU T&D Interface Update Thomas Bialek PhD, PE Chief Engineer November 2, 2017 © 2015 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
2017 T&D Interface Effort Consider longer-term coordination needs and solutions Learn from the experience of new DERs/DERAs coming into the market in 2017 Keep pace with DER-related developments in California and the industry as a whole Better define real-time coordination processes and procedures address potential conflicts between DO operational needs and ISO dispatches
Use Cases Goals Create a foundation for a DERA to participate in ISO DERP program Pathway for simple to complex Define who needs to know what CAISO DO DERP Determine communication needs Protocol IEEE 2030.5 smart inverters Latency Data Document information requirements, data exchange, tools and systems Day Ahead, Hour Ahead, 15 minutes and Real-Time Changes if the DERP is available energy vs dispatchable?
Time scales & modelling tools in electric grid operation Courtesy of Sacha Von Meier and Paul Denholm
Distribution Operations Scenarios Business as Usual Normal Configuration Blue sky day Interconnection study and hosting capacity completed DERA available Business as Usual Abnormal Configuration Interconnection study and hosting capacity not completed DERA unavailable DERA derate only possible if multiple DER, multiple interconnection points on multiple circuits Planned Outage/Maintenance Forced Outage/Emergency
Distribution Operations – Use Cases 2017 Deliverables Written documentation on the wholesale market use cases Internal to WG Subsequent management review and publishing
Distribution Operations – Use Cases Number Use Case Title Use Case Description DER Portfolio Wholesale Distribution High Penetration High DER Penetration No DERA on circuit No 1 Single DER: Wholesale DER with single interconnection point participating in wholesale market DERA under a single interconnection point Yes 2a Multiple DER, Single Circuit: Wholesale DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on a single circuit participating in wholesale market DERA under multiple interconnection points on a single circuit 2b Multiple DER, Multiple Circuits: Wholesale DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on multiple circuits participating in wholesale market DERA under multiple interconnection points on multiple circuits 3 Single DER: Distribution DER with single interconnection point providing distribution services to DO 4a Multiple DER, Single Circuit: Distribution DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on a single circuit providing distribution services to DO 4b Multiple DER, Multiple Circuits: Distribution DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on multiple circuits providing distribution services to DO 5 Single DER: Wholesale + Distribution DER with single interconnection point participating in wholesale market and providing distribution services to DO 6a Multiple DER, Single Circuit: Wholesale + Distribution DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on a single circuit participating in wholesale market and providing distribution services to DO 6b Multiple DER, Multiple Circuits: Wholesale + Distribution DER aggregation, DERA, with multiple DER interconnection points on multiple circuits participating in wholesale markets and providing distribution services to DO
Data Exchanges ISO DER on HV Aggregated capacity on the high-side bus of the substation transformer From DERP/SC size/bids/meter data DERP size Aggregated DER MW size bid into wholesale market DERP bid MW amount of the DER bid into wholesale market in the appropriate time frame DERP meter data Production data based upon ISO schedule for settlement purposes From DO outage data DO Outage data After the fact distribution outage data that occurred which might impact DERP participation DO DER Amps DER production presented on high-side of the distribution service transformer From ISO schedule? ISO schedule ISO dispatch schedule awarded to the DERP DERP From DO capacity DO capacity Available or unavailable state of the DERP based upon distribution conditions From DO P Node P Node P Node to which the DERP is connected based upon distribution conditions From ISO/SC schedule
Distribution Operations – State 1
Distribution Operations – State 2
Questions? Thomas Bialek Chief Engineer