University Technology Fee Fall Presentation to the SFRB Patrick J. Burns - Vice President for IT Jason Huitt - ACNS Liaison to UTFAB Pete Winterscheidt - UTFAB Chair Garrett Pichler - UTFAB Vice Chair December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Outline University Technology Fee Overview UTFAB Composition & Schedule FY11 Budget Review Projects & Details Ongoing projects New projects in 2009-2010 Q&A December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB The University Technology Fee $20 per semester assessed to all students Flat fee – paid once each semester Created by ASCSU in April 2003 First assessed the following fall, Fall 2003 Originally $15/semester UTFAB voted unanimously in March 2008 to increase the fee to $20/semester Discussion in March 2007, vote failed then SFRB, ASCSU, … endorsed the increase in 2008 December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB The UTFAB University Technology Fee Advisory Board Members One representative from each academic college (and Intra-University) One representative from the Graduate School Two at-large reps, appointed by ASCSU Associate representatives Advisor: Vice President for Information Technology December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTF Bylaws – Process: Project-based University departments request funding from the University Technology Fee Advisory Board through proposals, including a three-year project plan UTFAB votes on the proposal based on 10 funding criteria UTFAB projects are Reported to the SFRB December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB UTFAB Schedule Ongoing projects report status in the Fall These presentations occurred throughout this semester and were just completed Tuesday November 30th Ongoing project requests in the Spring If funds exist, UTFAB may also solicit project requests in the Fall and Spring New projects proposed/considered systematically All projects must undergo a legitimacy vote, followed one week+ later by an approval vote December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
Budget Projection for FY 11 (k$) Revenue Carry over from FY 10 $208k Fees $1,199k Reserve ($40k) Total $1,367k Allocations (next page) $1,163k Available (revenue – expenses) $204k Higher than expected due to increased enrollment in Summer and Fall 2010 December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
Allocations for FY 11 (k$) SIS*** $506k General Assignment classrooms* $225k Library* $175k Desktops & laptops in Morgan Library Laptops, scanners & printing in Behavioral Sciences Bldg. Group study rooms, video editing room, e-reader technology Wireless networking upgrades* $256k Total $1,163k ~$1K in bad debt not included in above total * denotes level of cost sharing December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Funded projects December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
1. Student Info. System/RAMweb/DARS FY 11 total of $506,166 No budget increase requested since FY09 Matched 50/50 by the University New functionality: Course Registration Wait List, … RAMweb for parents coming soon December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB 10
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB RAMweb Logins per Year Quickly… December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
2. Classroom Technology (GA Classrooms) UTFAB funds technology in General Assignment classrooms throughout campus 159 GA classrooms – 140 of which are “smart” (88%) Technology in smart classrooms includes: HD video and audio Equipment control systems (touch pads) Document Cameras, Speakers and 16:9 display screens Blu-ray DVD and VCR Goal is to have 100% of GA classrooms upgraded to include smart technology by Fall 2012 December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB 12
New “Smart” GA Classrooms & Newly “Refreshed” GA Classrooms NEW SMART ROOMS FOR FY 2011 BUILDING ROOM Capacity UTFAB Supported Classroom Technolgy FY11 1 Natural Resources 106 27 FY 2011 Project Estimate $153,000 2 112 28 3 115 30 4 Education 236 32 5 Pathology 109 55 6 CHEMISTRY B301 7 Gifford 312 8 Microbiology 114 REFRESH ROOMS FOR FY2011 ENGINEERING D102 36 $70,945.00 GIFFORD 332 68 FORESTRY 107 MILITARY SCIENCE 200 60 201 EDDY 105 E202 41 E104 9 E206 10 120 11 CLARK C359 65 Total - $223,945.00 December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB 3. Library Technology December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
4. Campus Wireless Network Upgrades $200k allocated in FY10 Two Phases Replace existing wireless with high-speed wireless (802.11n) Enhance density coverage in GA classroom areas Buildings & areas to be upgraded are selected by the UTFAB December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Completed in Spring/Summer 2010: Engineering Chemistry Rockwell Plant Sciences In progress, Fall 2010: Aylesworth Microbiology Gifford Yates Wagar Natural Resources Anatomy/Zoology Shepardson Glover Johnson Theatre Military Science December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB To be completed by end of Spring 2011: Pathology Physiology Visual Arts Animal Sciences Areas supplemented by “old” wireless gear: Pawnee Grasslands Spruce Hall Environmental Research Center General Services Building MRB Guggenheim NESB Forestry December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Coming this Spring UTFAB will hear proposals for spending the remaining $204k Projects will be solicited from students, campus IT administrators Requests will be reviewed by UTFAB subcommittee, presented to full board for review and subsequent approval Board will hear FY12 funding requests Bylaws review in-progress December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB For More Information UTFAB web site: Contents: Bylaws Members Meeting Minutes University Technology Fee Budgets Spring Project FY10 Proposals Fall Project Update Presentations December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Thank You The central IT environment is much, much better, due primarily to student fees We believe that we are delivering substantial value for your investments We are very grateful for your support. Students continue to manage diligently the fee and its activities December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB
UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB Questions? Are more than welcome. December 6, 2010 UTFAB Presentation to the SFRB