Shibori Pillowcase The Burrito Method
Step 1 Open the cuff & body fabric so it lays flat. With right sides together, line up raw edges the long way. Pin parallel to the raw edge.
Step 2 Fold cuff over the pins so both right sides are showing. Evenly roll your body fabric up towards the cuff.
Step 3 Unfold cuff and wrap it around the rolled body Matching raw edge of cuff together, change the parallel pins to perpendicular
Step 4 Following the right edge of the presser foot, sew the raw edges of the cuff that is pinned perpendicular. Backstitch in the beginning & end. Trim threads.
Step 5 Carefully pull out the rolled body fabric through one of the ends of the rolled cuff. Iron the cuff so it lays flat. Fold fabric with wrong sides touching & right sides facing outward. Line up the cuff & body seam. Pin at that seam. Pin the rest of the side & bottom of pillowcase
Step 6 Sew side & bottom following the edge of your presser foot. Backstitch in beginning and end of sewing.
Step 7 Trim the seam in half Flip fabric with wrong sides facing out. Press seam flat. Following the ½” guideline on the throat plate, stitch the side & bottom seams that were previously sewn. Backstitch in the beginning & end. Trim the seam in half
Step 8 Flip fabric right side out & press flat. YIPEEEEE you made yourself a wonderful pillowcase! BE PROUD Happy sleeping!