Regional workshop on Capacity Development for the CDM Marilia Telma Manjate Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs MICOA Mozambique
Overview of the Process in developing Work Plan in MZB Identify the relevant stakeholders UCCEE introduce the project to stakeholders Identify National Center UCCEE contract the National Center National center prepare draft work plan Discuss the work plan in workshop
Preparation of work plan Contact relevant stakeholders (NGOs, government and academic institutions, etc) how much they know about CDM and CC if they are involved in any CDM and/or climate change ongoing project what are their CB needs to participate in CDM their willingness to participate in the project
National workshop on work plan Identify participants including the relevant stakeholders (private sector, public institutions, NGOs, etc ) sent to them the invitation and draft work plan workshop to present and discuss the work plan incorporate the comments made during the workshop
Problems faced Delay of the starting of the elaboration of the work plan lack of clear definition of the role of the regional center and UCCEE lack of answer from some stakeholders on requesting appointment done with relevant stakeholders