17.4 – Victory in Europe and the Pacific Nazis Defeated By March 1945, the Allies had crossed the _____________ into Germany and the Soviet Troops had closed in on ________. In Italy guerrillas captured and executed __________. As Soviet troops closed in on Berlin, ______ killed himself in his underground bunker. On May 7th, _________ surrendered and on May 8th the war in Europe officially ended on what is now known as V-E Day, which stands for ________ in _______. Because of the ________ of Germany in the center of Europe and Hitler underestimating the ______ troops the Allies were able to defeat Germany. THEREFORE, THE ALLIES WERE VICTORIOUS IN EUROPE! Rhine (River) Berlin Mussolini Hitler Germany Victory Europe location Soviet
Struggle for the Pacific By May 1942, _____ had gained control of Southeast Asia, many Pacific islands, and the ___________. During the _______ Death March more than 10,000 Filipino and American soldiers were killed. With positive battles at Midway and the _____ Sea, the tide began to turn towards the Allies. With their victory at Guadalcanal, the US Marines started their program of “______ _______”, attempting to recapture land taken by Japan to get closer to Japan. The American forces led by General ________ _________ gradually fought their way toward Japan as the US Navy ______ their ports. Japan Philippines Bataan Coral island hopping Douglas MacArthur blocked
Defeat for Japan In battles at Iwo Jima and ________, Japan showed they would fight to the death rather than surrender. _________ pilots would use suicide missions to attack US ships. While deciding whether to invade on land or attack with bombs, the US used information on splitting atoms in the __________ Project to create the first ______ bomb. President _____________warned the Japanese to surrender or face “complete __________.” On August 6th, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on __________killing more than _______ people. On August 8th, 1945, a second bomb was dropped on ________, killing another 40,000 people. On August 10th, Emperor _______ intervened and Japan surrendered. Okinawa kamikaze Manhattan atomic Harry Truman destruction Hiroshima 70,000 Nagasaki Hirohito