RenewablesSA Presentation to AIBC2010 Nicholas Jacobson Senior Engineer June 2010 RenewablesSA is an initiative of the South Australian Government to support the further growth of South Australia’s renewable energy industry.
Carbon Intensity of Electricity Production in 2020 (tonnes of CO2e/MWh) Reduction in Emissions intensity of economy tCO2e /$m GDP or GSP Between 1990 and 2005, India 17.6%, SA 23% Represents a competitive advantage for SA, SA has a aspirational target of 33% of electricity generation from renewables by 2020 Target supported by 2 independent reports 2
Renewable Energy in South Australia
Why South Australia? wind, solar, geothermal, wave South Australia has the ‘runs on the board’ World Class renewable resources: wind, solar, geothermal, wave Agile and committed government High level of community permission Limited interconnection and peaky demand profile is a challenge for high renewables penetration but also makes SA a great test-bed for deployment Automotive and Defence industries have built a high quality manufacturing and construction base SA has 47% of installed wind power in Australia 90% of the investment in geothermal SA has world class resources as well as space, access to market Government is committed to facilitating the uptake of renewable energy First feed in tariff in Australia Highest proportion of households with Solar Panels in Australia Not by direct subsidy but through reducing barriers, Access to Crown Land Pay roll tax rebate Govt Purchase 20%, increase to 50% in 2014 PV Mandatory on new and refurbished Government buildings, demonstrate and lead Assessment of development applications by Council facilitates community engagement and ensures close relationships with the local community, not imposed from above Green Grid to address grid issues, Electranet and AEMO looking for solutions We have a high quality manufacturng and construction base
World-class Wind Resources World class wind resources close to market, accessible land, clear and straight forward planning and regulations 47% of installed wind capacity in Australia Over 380MW of Suzlon turbines in SA
South Australia - World Class Wind energy contribution to total electricity demand 2008 (source: EWEA, ESIPC 2009) 2nd highest penetration of wind energy in the world Don’t have the interconnection that Denmark and other European countries have
World-class Solar Resources Highest proportion of houses with solar panels in Australia Government funded the largest roof-top system in Australia, 1 MW at the Adelaide Showground
Geothermal Temperature at 5km High 5km grid, inferred data from bore logs, units Degrees C Red high, blue low TATA power in JV with Geodynamics in the Cooper Basin Panax operating in India Puga geothermal project: an advanced and ready to drill test project located in the Himalayan Geothermal Province. Krishna – Godavari project: a ‘wet’ geothermal exploration project targeting a rift or graben associated with high heat flows as well as thermal springs, located in the state of Andhra Pradesh. There is existing collaboration and exchange of information between India and Australia. Both in deep hot dry rocks and shallower hot aquifers, wet projects, both non-conventional geothermal technologies Low Source:
Starfish Hill Wind Farm Thanks for your attention.