EAST JAVA Compiled by : Yulianto Surya S (C11.2013.01416) Ratna Refyantari (C11.2013.01417) Rizki Utami (C11.2013.01440) Nila Purnasari (C11.2014.01498)
Symbol Meaning : Efforts are needed to get success or prosper
About East Java A province which located on the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia Capital city: Surabaya Population : 37.476.757 (2010 est) , 38,53 million (2014 est) Area 47.922 km²
About East Java Religions: Islam (96.36%), Christianity (2.4%), Buddhism (0.6%), Hinduism (0.5%), Confucianism (0.1%), Kejawen also practised Ethnic groups: Javanese (80%), Madurese (18%), Tionghoa (1%) Languages: Indonesian (official), Javanese languages, Madurese (regional)
Bulidings Traditional House
Bulidings Most of houses in Western part of East Java( such as Ngawi, Madiun, Magetan, and Ponorogo) looks like traditional house in Central Java (Surakarta). It named Joglo and shaped like pyramid (dara gepak) or srontongan (empyak setangkep). Colonialism of Nederlands – Indie left some old buildings, especially in Surabaya and Malang.
Ways of Thinking Javanese people have a unique tradition of thought, and attached with metaphysical mysticism ( in terms mulder,1984; Laksono,1985 ). The tradition is thought be applied in all aspects of culture, both material and non-material. Culture is manifested through traditional rituals begin before birth until post-death ceremonies, ranging from architecture to shape the way thinks.
Celebration Kasada Mepe kasur Tingkeban Megengan
Traditional Food Soto Madura (chicken soup Maduran style) Sate Madura (roasted skewered chicken with tasty peanut sauce) Avoid the sambal or chili if you're not into spicy food.