Heather Smith Changing Weather Energy and Climate Change specialist Churchill Fellow 2015 State of CORE in Oz Lessons from SA What is CE and does SA need it?
Australian Community Energy
CORE Groups & Operating Projects from c4ce.net.au New South Wales Australia wide: ~70 CORE Groups, 23 operating projects
Shareholder model:
A zero net energy business case:
Community Owned Retailer
Community Targets
Revolving Fund
Energy Transition Narrative
Lessons from South Australia
About South Australia Population 1.7m Adelaide – 60% Peak Load – 3 GW Wind capacity – 1.5 GW Rooftop Solar – 0.8 GW >40% renewables 1 in every four households has solar
What we could have done better Minimise the boom and bust for solar industry Sliding scale feed-in tariff Metering to capture gross solar is short sighted Smarter meters Wind farm scheduling Frequency services Fault response Hot water timers Electricity Act Objectives
What is Community Energy and do we need it?
default 'green' retailers in Marin County and Hokkaido grid buybacks in Boulder and Hamburg sunshine tariff in Cornwall micro-grid control and autonomy in Denmark smart grids and user responsiveness community ownership models community program delivery - weatherisation programs evolving into solar programs
Thoughts from my trip so far Technical, market and social systems Distributed or decentralised Ownership, control and regulatory structures What does the customer want? Democratic Local benefits
Socio -technical transitions