Hinduism The Om, written in Sanskrit, represents Brahman or the eternal God and eternal life.
Founder/Location No single founder; evolved through cultural diffusion (blending of cultures). Aryans (Central Asian Nomadic tribe) blended with harrappans. Religion developed in India Religion is over 5,000 years old Over 85% of Indians are Hindu
Holy Text Vedas (Also known as the Rig Veda) Upanishads
Place of Worship Temples Swaminarayan Temple New Delhi
Deities Polytheistic: belief in many gods Examples of gods: Brahma: the creator Vishnu: the preserver Shiva: the destroyer Ganesh: good fortune, wisdom Worship their gods in temples
Concepts/Practices/ Beliefs Reincarnation: rebirth of the soul (see diagram) Dharma: Job/occupation or duties in life Karma: One’s destiny; actions in present life will effect next life Caste system: Strict/rigid social class system Ahimsa: non-violence towards all living things.
Ethics: Ahimsa: Non-violence towards all living things. War: Frowned upon unless for protection Diet – no beef (Cow), vegetation is best, can not accept food from a lower caste, & avoid alcohol Sacred Cow/”Holy Cow” Following the dharma of your caste helping Brahmins is a special blessing
Social Structure Caste system: a hereditary social class system. NO social mobility Social Mobility: ability to change your position in society. (Usually happens based on wealth, hard work or marriage)
Reincarnation: Rebirth of your atman (soul) Achieve Moksha Release from the cycle of rebirth. Atman joins with creator god. Reincarnation: Rebirth of your atman (soul) Untouchables Brahman Kshatriyas Vaisyas Sudras Good/Bad: All your actions in this life have consequences in the next life. Karma Samsara Your atman is reborn into a new life/new caste Dharma Your sacred duties to your caste & family
Untouchables Lowest of all castes Live apart from the village Cannot use village well Are the only ones who can touch animal skins, cremate the dead, or do janitorial work.
Caste System Rules Follow the rules of their caste: Only marry members of the same caste Show respect to higher castes Maintain spiritual pureness Sutte – widows had to…
Punishments for breaking caste rules Minor offenses: pay fine and/or ritual purification. Ex. Bathe in the Ganges R. Major offenses: Can lead to expulsion from your caste.
Effect of the caste system Creates social order Sense of identity Determines your rights, occupation, spouse and housing in society.