School in cooperation with the Cultural Centre
Several aspects about the work on the project „Sport and Arts as a Driving Force of the School’s Development” Project realized with the support of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System
The cultural centre – a place open to the school support in organizing the school’s artistic projects; holding patronage over the school in terms of artistic education of its pupils; leading the school’s musical and theatre scenes; cooperation in organizing the students’ artistic exhibitions and plays; helping the school in search of new talents;
Workshops for the teachers of Lower-Secondary School no. 3 Tarnobrzeg Culture Centre, November 2010 The cultural centre as a place for sharing professional experience of teachers and instructors
Exhibition of the works designed by the pupils of Lower-Secondary School no.3 Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre, April 2012 „My work has been included in the exhibition at the cultural centre. Seeing it there, I was really glad that I could present myself in this way. It also reminded me about the hard work that I had put into painting the work. Fortunately it was worth it”. Julia The cultural centre as an exhibition gallery of works designed by the school’s students
Theatrical play based on the texts of the contemporary Romanian poets and writers staged by the pupils of the Lower-Secondary School no. 3 Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre, March 2012 The cultural centre as a host of the Romanian Culture Night in Tarnobrzeg
First rehearsal in a professional recording studio Work at school led by the music teacher Public performance, Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre, May 2011 The cultural centre holds patronage over the school’s musically talented youth
„I remember I had stage fright during the rehearsals and at the professional recording studio. New environment, time pressure and band members’ expectations, these were the things I had to deal with. In the studio, just like on stage, stress must release adrenaline and not paralysis. Another problem was hearing your own voice. I heard the soundtrack and my voice on earphones instead of monitors. The acoustic experience was quite different, especially for people who have dealt with the studio monitoring system for the first time. Together with my friends, we tried to do a good job during the recording session, not only a social meeting but also an experience which could bring lots of satisfaction and knowledge”. Ania Drzewińska, class III c
„The Skies Are Singing” concert The „Fermata” school choir performing at the Rzeszów Concert Hall, Rzeszów, December 2011 Performing for the residents of the Tarnobrzeg Nursing Home Tarnobrzeg, November 2011 The cultural center supports the „Fermata” school choir in its performance outside the school walls.
Musical and poetry play staged for the 40th anniversary of the Lower-Secondary School no. 3 Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre, wrzesień, 2011 The cultural centre holds patronage over artistic events organised by the school.
Time for joint remarks and conclusions
„The school does not have a sufficient base of musical instruments, sound systems, microphones, acoustic conditions and an ability to create a sufficient atmosphere, which a young person needs to develop his/ her musical personality. This is where the cultural centre comes into play, since it fills this lacking space between the school and a young talented student.” Leopold Miłkowski, music teacher at Lower-Secondary School no. 3
„The cooperation with the cultural centre enables the students to create works in those techniques which are quite time consuming and require sufficient equipment such as batik fabric, mache paper, oil painting. In the school conditions there are problems with long-term drying and storage of the artefacts in subsequent stages of their production. By developing their skills in different techniques, the students could release their creativity and spontaneity. Additional motivation constituted the exhibitions, where the students could present their works to the public at the TCC gallery”. Elżbieta Kłoda, arts teacher at the Lower-Secondary School no. 3
„In the contemporary world an artistic attitude facilitates social functioning. Thus it is very important to develop different artistic talents of the students, for instance acting skills. The work during Polish lessons at school is significant since it forms personal sensitiveness and aesthetics, developing imagination as well. But it is only the cooperation with the cultural centre which has given the youth a chance to perform live on stage in front of a real audience. The students were given valuable advice relating to the creation of a particular figure, stage moves. They had the opportunity to see the theatrical plays behind the scenes, the decorations, the role of illuminations, music, curtain. Moreover, the preparation of plays gave children lots of joyful moments and good fun. ” Maria Rawska, Polish teacher at Lower-Secondary School no. 3
„The cooperation with the school gave the Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre a breath of fresh air. Although we have been organizing similar events for years, the participants were usually children with specific goals and aspirations. Thanks to the project we had to face new tasks and a whole range of student talents and expectations. It is a very positive outcome of our cooperation, since now we have a wider view of the Tarnobrzeg youth’s needs. Therefore, we can easily prepare an new annual offer for our young citizens”. Piotr Duma, TCC vice-president
What’s next?
The cultural centre – a long - term school partner further support of the arts and music teachers in their basic tasks relating to the cultural and artistic education of the youth; providing technical and organisational aid in developing artistic and cultural events initiated by the school; cooperation in artistic education within the framework of the Tarnobrzeg Cultural Centre’s and the National Cultural Centre’s annual programmes.