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Presentation transcript:


Background 2016-2018 Business (Action) Plan WHAT? 2016-2022 KCTCS Strategic Plan describes WHAT goals we plan to accomplish. HOW? The Business (Action) Plan describes HOW the goals are met through specific strategies and tactics that are matched to the strategic goals. now begin Year Two (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018). Invite to ask questions as we go along.

The Cycle 2016-2018 Year One Year Two 2018-2020 2020-2022 The 2016-22 KCTCS Strategic Plan is divided into three 2-year action plans with strategies and tactics that describe HOW we will accomplish our goals. 2016-2018 Year One Year Two 2018-2020 2020-2022

The 2016-18 Cycle of the Action Plan identifies Five strategies and Targets to be reached by June, 2018 That reinforce the KCTCS 2016-22 Strategic Plan Goals. We have completed Year One of the first action plan (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017).

strategic Plan gOAL: Raise the level of educational attainment in the Commonwealth by positioning KCTCS as the accessible, affordable, and relevant post-secondary education choice for Kentuckians. Strategy 1: Establish financial aid centralized processing center. THE TARGET: Initial staffing of the centralized Processing center.

Progress Year Two: Year One : Initial staffing for the CPC has been achieved. Phase One of Regent Review software has been implemented. The CPC completed verification of 12,060 student financial aid accounts, an increase of 49% over same date last year. ications. Year Two: Implementation of Phase Two: Regent 8 software.

strategic Plan gOAL: Develop clear pathways through all levels of postsecondary education with an emphasis on experiential learning that lead to successful employment outcomes for kctcs graduates. Strategy 2: Scale up co-requisite model, contextualized to students’ program of study, that streamlines time to degree. THE TARGET: Math co-requisite class at each college.

Progress Year Two: Year One : All 16 colleges piloted sections of co- requisite Math in Spring 2017. KCTCS received a $100,000 Math Pathways grant from CPE to fully develop the co-requisite model. Math Curriculum Committee began development of five Quantitative Reasoning pathways. A new entry level Statistics course will be piloted in Spring 2018 with a companion co-requisite course for integrated supplemental instruction for students not yet college ready. Year Two: Implement English, reading, or integrated reading/writing co- requisite classes. Research the effectiveness of the co-requisite model using student completion data.

Strategic Plan GOAL : Improve student engagement, support, experiences, and success with best-in-class academic and student services. Strategy 3: promote enrollment/participation in college success and impactful orientation experiences for first-time, credential-seeking students. THE TARGET: Prescribed orientation experiences for first-time, credential-seeking students.

Progress Year Two: Year One : All colleges host orientation sessions that provide student access to college resources, tools, and information. These sessions include efforts to support and engage students toward completion, such as: Academic planning, advising, and support services such as tutoring Career services Access to Starfish, an early alert system that promotes faculty- student interaction. Year Two: Further develop and utilize prescribed orientation experiences. for first-time

Strategic Plan GOAL: Align programs and curricula with needs of employers that enhance the employability, job placement, and career development of KCTCS graduates. Strategy 4: leverage technology to fully develop and utilize degree audit/academic planning modules in the student information system. THE TARGET: Fully developed degree audit and academic planning modules in PeopleSoft.

Progress Year One : Academic requirement report (degree audit) now being piloted with West KY. This compares student’s current, past, and future enrollments to the degree requirements for the student’s current academic plan. Operational group meets regularly to review curriculum updates and analyze issues for academic requirement reports. Reports are run each term to calculate 25% residency requirement for students to receive a degree. Year Two: Move academic requirement report from pilot status to system- wide implementation. Refine process to clarify ambiguous curriculum requirements.asis time

Strategic Plan GOAL : Increase access and success for all KCTCS students, particularly among traditionally underserved students. Strategy 5: expand targeted outreach and support for Under-represented Minority students, and implement an evaluation process to measure program success. THE TARGET: Implement evaluation process to measure Under-Represented Minority (URM) student success.

Progress Year Two: Year One : Strategic enrollment management and diversity plans developed by each college include goals, strategies, and tactics that promote access and success of URM students. New performance funding measures include enrollment, retention, and completion measures for URM students. KCTCS provided one-time seed funds to support pre-collegiate academic enrichment programs, including: College and Career Fairs Summer Enrichment Programs Mentoring Programs Year Two: Develop faculty and staff training that will increase the use of culturally responsive curriculum that identifies and nurtures students’ unique cultural strengths.

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