Food For America
Food For America is an educational program focusing on agricultural literacy in schools and communities. It is a program developed to assist FFA members and all agricultural education students in leadership skill development as they reach out to youth, peers, and their entire communities by sharing the world of agriculture.
Where Does Your Food Come From? Arkansas 1st in Rice California 1st in Milk Georgia 1st in Peanuts, Pecans, Rye, Eggs, & Broilers (Chicken) Illinois 1st in Pumpkins Idaho 1st in Potatoes Iowa 1st in Corn, Soybean and Hogs Kansas 1st in Wheat Kentucky 1st in Thoroughbred Horses Louisiana 1st in Crawfish, Shrimp, Alligators, Oysters Maine 1st in Wild Blueberries, Brown Eggs North Carolina 1st in Sweet Potatoes Oregon 1st in Hazelnuts, Blackberries Tennessee 1st in Nursery Crops and Floriculture Texas 1st in Cattle, Cotton, Sheep, Goats, Wool and Hay Production Wisconsin 1st in Dairy Goats and Cranberries
FARMING TODAY 10% of all Americans are involved in traditional farming. There are 22 million people in Ag related fields. There are 2,204,792 farmers in America. 306,209 are women. U.S. farmers produce about 40 percent of the world’s corn, using only 20 percent of the total area harvested.
FARMING TODAY Today, the average U.S. farmer feeds 155 people. In 1960, a farmer fed just 26 people. To keep up with population growth, more food will have to be produced in the next 50 years than the past 10,000 years combined. Every minute 2 acres of farmland are lost to development. (Housing, etc.) The average American farmer is 57 years old.
How Can You Change This? If you enroll in an Ag class, and become a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) then you would be eligible for the following opportunities.
Opportunities of FFA Career development Leadership skills Public Speaking skills Scholarship opportunities Shop skills
Beginner’s Class Learn about the history of FFA. Learn how to work with your hands. Gain knowledge of the tools and skills to work in the 14 shop areas including Power tools, Welding, Sheet metal, Small gas engines, and many more.
Green House Vegetables planted in the greenhouse: Tomatoes , peppers, cucumbers, squash, etc. Flowers planted in the greenhouse: Zinnias, Petunias, Plummeras, etc. Everything we grow in the greenhouse is for sale. We are in the process of starting a garden.
Judging Teams Dairy Foods Land Horse Poultry Meats Forestry Ag. Communications Floriculture Nursery/Landscape Agronomy Electricity Ag. Mechanics Dairy Cattle Livestock Farm Business Management Ag. Issues Food Science Judging Team competitions are CDE’s (Career Development Events) Practice competitions are at, Damascus, Beebe, Bethesda, McCrory, Pocahontas, and Fayetteville. Eastern District is located in Jonesboro, and the State competition is located at Fayetteville.
Shooting Team Shoot against Newport in the Battle of the Bone Shoot with a squad of five Compete at Lonoke against other squads at Regional Competition This competition requires high mental concentration
Leadership Parliamentary Procedure Open and Closing Ceremony Extemporaneous Speaking Prepared Public Speaking Creed Speaking