Types of Employment Learning Objective: To learn about different types of employment. I can explore different types of employment and evaluate their pros and cons. I can give an example of a start up company and explain how it succeeded. I can create my own business idea.
Types of Employment There are a number of different types of employment that people can have. You need to complete this table by doing your own research into the different employment types. For each one you need to think of a plus (a good thing about this type of employment), a minus (a bad thing about this type of employment) and something interesting (something you have found out about this type of employment). Employment Type Plus Minus Interesting Full-time Part-time Fixed-term Casual Zero Hours Contract Commission In this lesson students will explore different types of employment, including starting your own business. Firstly, ask students to complete their own research into different employment types. There is a table on the PPT that students will need to complete for this. For each type of employment students need to think of a plus (a good thing about this type of employment), minus (a bad thing about this type) and interesting point (something they have found out) for it by completing their own research. Take some feedback on this. There are some website suggestions on the PPT. http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/types_of_employment/types_of_employment.html https://www.gov.uk/contract-types-and-employer-responsibilities/overview https://www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au/business-advice/employing-staff/types-of-employment
Types of Employment Learning Objective: To learn about different types of employment. I can explore different types of employment and evaluate their pros and cons. I can give an example of a start up company and explain how it succeeded. I can create my own business idea.
Starting your own business Not everyone chooses to be employed by someone else, instead, they start their own business. There are lots of examples of people today doing just this! 15 year old who sold his app to Yahoo for $30 million Dragons Den star Peter Jones explores what makes a successful entrepreneur Move onto starting your own business as not everyone chooses to be employed by someone else. Show the first example of the 15 year old boy who sold his app to Yahoo for $30 million https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtjW6odrvz0. Then watch parts of the BBC Entrepreneur documentary which follows the story of Innocent Smoothies. Show to 9:20 then 14:00-18, then 23:40-29:50, 37:20-41:00 49:15-57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foWMmY3xSuk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtjW6odrvz0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foWMmY3xSuk
Innocent Smoothies What failures has he experienced along the way? What is the companies vision? What qualities does Richard have to be a successful entrepreneur? When you have watched the documentary give students time to discuss the questions on the PPT then facilitate a class discussion around what they have seen of entrepreneurship. Students should be able to explain what enabled the company to be successful. What makes the company unique? How did he achieve success?
Types of Employment Learning Objective: To learn about different types of employment. I can explore different types of employment and evaluate their pros and cons. I can give an example of a start up company and explain how it succeeded. I can create my own business idea.
What business would you start? If you could start your own business what would you do? What personality traits would you need to succeed? What is your idea? Who would you sell to? How will you market your product/service? Finally, give students the opportunity to come up with their own business idea. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a product but could be a service, e.g. electrical company. They need to consider the questions on the PPT. Give students time to discuss and jot down their ideas. If you have time you could ask students to write a Dragons Den style pitch for an investment in their company. How would you raise the money you need? What would your business plan be?
Careers Self-Assessment Read through the statements based on your learning from the Careers unit. Tick each one you are able to do then decide whether overall you are Working Towards, Working At or Working Beyond.
Types of Employment Learning Objective: To learn about different types of employment. I can explore different types of employment and evaluate their pros and cons. I can give an example of a start up company and explain how it succeeded. I can create my own business idea.