Progress in the Field
Genting Timu Bridge The Genting Timu bridge, Kecamatan Batee, Pidie has been in-function since September 2005
Calang - Meulaboh road Calang - Meulaboh road is now accessible, after destroyed by the tsunami. (December 2005)
Sea Ports 1 Ulee Lheu (Australia) Back in operation since December 2005 2 Meulaboh (Singapore) 85% progress and will be finished by the end of March 2006 3 Malahayati (Netherlands) 20% progress, and will be finished by Oktober 2006 4 Calang The Rehabilitation and Development project is underway. 5 Sinabang, Simeulue Physical Design – Phase I 6 Gunung Sitoli, Nias
Sea Walls project - Syah Kuala Banda Aceh
Sea Walls project (Alun Naga – Ulee Lheue) Sea protection walls (23 km) – over 50% progress Laid from Alun Naga up to Ulee Lheu, to be finished by April 2006
Sea Dyke & Salt Water Dyke Banda Aceh Progress > 50%, stretched from Alun Naga to Ulee (targeted to be finished in April 2006)
Water Treatment Plant, Lambaro Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant – donation from Red Cross and Swiss Government has been operated and finished by the end of February 2006
Solar Cell - Energy Solar cell – equipment, has been installed in Lam Awe village, Aceh Besar (Green Peace - donation)
Temporary Housing 20.000 temporary housing is underway, 5.000 has been erected, 800 ready to use. (from lnternational Federation of Red-Cross).
Water & Sanitation Housing complex with water sanitation Kahju village, Aceh Besar
First Harvest First harvest in tsunami-affected rice field, Lampisang – Aceh Besar, 2 February 2006
Overview Current Challenges and Strategy
Rehabilitation Challenges 120.000 Houses destroyed 70.000 Houses damaged 14 Sea ports destroyed or damaged 120 Bridges damaged 3.000 km Roads damaged or impassable 1.052 Government buildings damaged 2.000 School buildings damaged 167.228 Students lost their schools 2.500 Teachers died 114 Health centers destroyed or damaged 20.000 Fish ponds damaged 60.000 ha Agriculture land damaged 100.000 Small and medium entrepreneurs lost business 800 km x 1 to 6km destroyed 800 km San Diego San Fransisco
Generosity from donors … Pledges Effective Commitment USD million NGOs 982 982 Int’l Red Cross 600 320 679 Donor Bilateral 1.414 541 Donor Multilateral* 1.203 MDTF 450 307 391 391 United Nations ’05-’06 budget 2,100 970 GoI 2,100 Total $ 5.0 billion+ $2,1 billion $3,2 billion + $0.97 billion
BRR Roles Executing Enabling Facilitating Partnership On-Budget Off-Budget
BRR Strategy Master Plan Infrastructure Institutional Capacity Building Housing EXIT Economy and Business Dev. Health & Education Infrastructure Land 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Master Plan Main reference for overall reconstruction A living document adjusted as necessary Community-based decision making a core principle
Aceh and Nias Reconstruction Progress
Health and Education 38 51 335 1.100 1,7 million Health Education 31% Hospital, clinics & health center rehabilitated 31% Of needs 51 Hospital, clinics & health center under construction 41% Education 335 Schools under construction 16,7 % Of needs 1.100 New teacher or temporary have been trained 56 % 1,7 million Text books distributed -
Community Economic Development Fisheries 3.122 Boats replaced or being built 66% of needs 5.000 ha Fish pond repaired 25% of needs Agriculture 40.000 Farmers assisted to return - 13.000 ha Farmed restored 21% of needs Enterprise 7,000 Workers given skills training - 120,000 Benefited from cash-fork-work schemes CONSTRUCTION BOOM IS STIMULATING ECONOMY
Infrastructure 335 5 35 Roads restores Major ports being rebuilt 7,8% Of needs 5 Major ports being rebuilt 35% 35 Arterial bridges rebuilt 30%
Progress of Permanent Housing Projects June ‘07 127.000 target Dec ‘06 108.000 target June ‘06 60.000 target Mar ‘06 Completed 30.000 Dec ‘05 target
Strategic Issues
Strategic Issues Urgency to rebuild Aceh and Nias requires a readiness of all stakeholders to review their development plan Dynamic condition of Aceh and Nias demands a flexibility of earmarked funding e.g. through budget reallocation A great degree of authority for ADB Representative in Indonesia in budgetary and decision making process Strong commitment of donor or international agencies to uphold good governance principles should not affect a timely delivery process
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