Ski Club Meeting
When Does it Start? January 4, 2017 Always on Thursdays unless weather prevents us from going.
Dropping Off Equipment All skis, poles, and snowboards are dropped off at the senior high before school. Check the original registration packet for exact location. All equipment must be dropped off by 7:20. Skis and poles must be firmly bound together. You must have a ski tote or a ski bag.
High school Map
Clothing: What to Wear Do NOT wear jeans or cotton pants. They soak up water and will make for a very cold night. Have several layers that can be added as the temperatures get colder and taken off if it is a warmer night. Have a good pair of gloves that are waterproof or at least highly water resistant. Bring extra stuff in case things get wet.
Stowing Gear at School If you wish to store your change of clothing in your homeroom, please ask for the teacher’s permission beforehand. Everyone should be changing in the bathrooms in the encore hallway at the end of the day AFTER being dismissed at the appropriate time from homeroom.
Dinner You may pack a dinner or snacks to take along and can store it in a cubby with your items. You can also purchase dinner at Ski Roundtop. If you plan on purchasing food there, please bring enough money! ($20 to be safe) Your parents can also load money onto your Night Club Card on Ski Roundtop’s website.
Student Pick-Up Students and advisors need to get home at a reasonable hour. Make sure someone is at the high school at 10:00 to take you home. Check the registration packet for the diagram of the drop-off point.
High school Map
Homeroom Dismissal Homeroom teachers will be notified that you may not leave your homeroom prior to 2:25. If you are seen leaving homeroom prior to that time, disciplinary action will be taken.
Bus Assignments Bus assignments will be given out before departing for our first ski club trip!
Bus Check-In EVERYONE is required to check in with Mrs. Peterson before 11:00 each morning of a ski trip to confirm attendance (in the library). If two buses are not needed, based on the count at 11:00, one of the buses will be cancelled. If you have not checked in and a bus is cancelled, you will not be going along with us to Ski Roundtop that night. You MUST check in!
Bus Conduct All changing must be done before leaving school or you will need to wait until you get to the bathrooms at Roundtop to change or add clothing. No changing should be done on the bus. No food should be consumed on the bus. Many drivers do not allow drinks on the bus, so be sure to finish drinking everything before boarding the bus at Roundtop. Cell Phones No pictures! Music, games, and texting (use headphones… we don’t want to hear your awful music)
Lesson Verification Tickets These tickets will be passed out on the bus each trip. Make sure you give the ticket to your instructor and remind them to turn them into the ski school office by the end of the night. If it is verified that you skipped a lesson, you will miss a trip with the school. Lesson time is 4:30
Night Club Card / 4 Trip Card The 4 trip cards are good for only 4 nights of skiing during the season at Ski Roundtop only. Night Club Cards are valid at all three resorts: Roundtop, Whitetail, and Ski Liberty. They are good until the end of the 2016-17 season for night skiing only. Remember to bring your ski card!
Lift Tickets Please get your lift ticket upon arrival at Ski Roundtop. Attach it to your coat immediately so that you don’t lose it. We’ll explain these procedures before getting off of the bus on night one.
Lockers at Roundtop ??? Roundtop has lockers in the rental shop to store things that you don’t want to take out on the slopes. Do NOT leave valuables in an open cubby while you are out snowboarding/skiing. Lost or stolen items will not be refunded/replaced. If you are late to the bus because you are searching for missing items, bus rules apply (you miss a trip with us).
Equipment at Roundtop Please be sure to lock your equipment outside when going into the lodge or use the courtesy ski check. Do NOT just leave your equipment leaning against the storage racks and expect it to be there when you return. Over the past years, several students have had their equipment stolen by doing that. Under no circumstances should you carry your equipment into the building. This is against Ski Roundtop’s rules.
Departure from Roundtop We will leave Roundtop promptly at 9:15. You must be on the bus no later than 9:00. If you are renting, give yourself plenty of time to get off the mountain and return your equipment. There are clocks in each of the lift houses. Watch them. If you cause us to leave late, you will lose one night of skiing. Those who have their own equipment must have it on the van by 9:00. The van leaves before the buses!
Discipline Any action that violates any of the school policies or discipline codes will result in the immediate expulsion of that person from the club. Your parent will be called, and they will have to come pick you up from Ski Roundtop.
Weather Delays and Early Dismissals If there is a two hour delay on one of our ski trip days, we will make all attempts to still go skiing that day. If there is an early dismissal, the ski trip will be cancelled for that day.